Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction.
Week 16: Virasana / Hero
- Stretches quads.
- Helps tone and maintain flexibility in legs, knees, and ankles.
Foundation & General Alignment:
- Tops of feet, ankles, and shins are on the floor. The shins are parallel with each other and the toes are pointing straight back.
- The knees can be together or apart, whichever is more comfortable.
- Sitting bones are on the floor or a blanket/ block if you can’t reach the floor.
- The pelvis is in a neutral position.
- Your chin is parallel to the floor.
- The torso is in tadasana.
Common Problems:
- Most at risk: knees and ankles.
- Knees are too wide apart or too narrow.
- Low back rounded or over arched.
- Small roll underneath ankles.
- Use blanket or block under the sitting bones for knee pain.
- Thin blanket behind knees between calves and hamstrings.