#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 15

Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction.

Week 15: Upavistha Konasana / Seated Angle


  • Releases and stretches the muscles of the thighs, hips, and low back.
  • Calming.
  • Good during menstruation.

Foundation & General Alignment:

  • Back of each leg is on the floor, from heel to thighs. Make sure toes are pointing straight up.
  • Legs are at a right angle, no wider. Wider legs is a different pose.
  • Sitting bones are weighted heavily into the ground.
  • Pelvis in neutral position.
  • If forward fold version make sure your back is evenly rounded and sitting bones stay on the ground.
  • The head and neck are in line with your spine.

Common Problems:

  • Most at risk: groins, low back, hamstrings and adductors.
  • Knees bent.
  • Legs are too wide apart.
  • Hyperextension of the knees when steaded or on props.


  • Blanket beneath the hips for tight students.
  • If folding forward use blanket under the front of your body for support.
  • Variations: Twisting and folding toward one leg or bending.