#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 12

Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction.

Week 12: Janu Sirsasana / Head to Knee


  • Stretches entire back of body.
  • Great stretch for your hamstrings.
  • Tones and massages the internal organs.
  • Reduces blood pressure.

Foundation & General Alignment:

  • The foundation consists of your sitting bones, the entire back of the straight leg and heel, as well as the ankle, shin and center of the hamstring on the bent leg.
  • The feet are active.
  • The entire straight leg is in Dandasana with the entire leg on the ground. If your heel lifts of the ground you’re hyper extending the knee.
  • Troso is lifted up off your thighs with sides of waist evenly extending over the straight leg.
  • The shoulder blades hug onto the back of the ribs, this will help you keep your chest open.
  • One hand can grab the foot of the straight leg while the other hand is on the ground keeping your body up.
  • The neck maintains a natural curve.

Common Problems:

  • Most at risk: low back, groins, and knee/hip of bent leg.
  • Extended leg bent.
  • Low back is rounded.
  • If you have pain in the bent knee: needs more engagement of the foot.


  • Blanket under hips of stiff hamstrings.
  • Strap around the foot if stiff in the hamstrings.
  • Blanket under bent knee if there is pain in the knee.