A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


5 Holistic Methods To Cure Stomach Cramps & Bloating

Stomach cramps and bloating are uncomfortable at best, and downright painful at their worst. Almost all of us are familiar with dull pains that originate in our lower abdomen and cause us to curl up, swearing to avoid dairy or roasted garlic for the rest of eternity.

4 Herbs To Get Your Lymph System Going

Many folks aren’t in the habit of paying attention to the lymph system. Hopefully, that changes, because the lymph system is critical for dealing with infections and for recycling multiple substances (hormones, antibodies, plasma, and more) back into the bloodstream. Our cells expel wastes into the surrounding fluids, and the lymph system is important for soaking these and other toxins up for elimination from the body.

How To Have A Zero Waste Period

Getting your period can be a pretty wasteful event: A woman can easily go through a whole pack of pads once a month. Unfortunately, these go straight to the landfill. While a woman should never feel ashamed of her period, there are ways to curb waste during the menstrual cycle. Here's how to create a low waste menstrual cycle that will also help you save money while bettering your health. 

Chasteberry For PMS, Irregular Cycles, Fertility & More

When PMS comes around to visit, most women grab ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps, headaches, and other nasty side effects that occur near their menstrual cycle. While these over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate the pain, they often come with less-than-pleasant side effects, particularly when used long term.

How Seed Cycling Can Help Balance Your Cycle

Seed cycling might sound like something better suited to gardening, but is actually a natural method used to support a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Geranium & Open Chakras

Breathing in a waft of heady geranium essential oil can be a scent only truly appreciated by the cultivated sniffer. Its fragrance challenges one to dig under the surface of the traditional floral notes and sit with the discomfort geranium assists one in facing. In my opinion, geranium is a scent for the both the mature nose and the mature heart and here’s why I think that is:

How Yoga Makes Sex Better

There’s so much about yoga that we don’t know or can’t comprehend—and by we, I mean all of us—from the practiced yogis and yoginis to those who don’t know the "y" of yoga. As we have oft reiterated, yoga is not just exercise.

12 Tips To Make Bath-Time The Best Time (+Bath Tea Recipe)

I don't take too many baths, but when I do, it's usually because I'm stressed. Baths have powerful healing properties that enable us to pretty much soak our troubles away. They're great for relaxing muscles, reducing inflammation, and putting us in a sleepy-time mood. That said, simply hopping into a tub filled with hot water won't always do the trick. There are several ways to make bath time extra special, and I advise you try one of them out.

Tips For Doing Yoga On Your Moon

A lot of women wonder if it is okay to practice yoga during menstruation. Aside from avoiding certain postures and keeping the vibe mellow, engaging the body in a healthy yoga routine during moon time can help you both embody more fully, and transcend all at the same time. Here are a few tips for yoga while mooning.