All You Need To Know About Tofu

Tofu.  The very word instills disgust in the mouths of many omnivores, and even in some who abstain from meat products.  And with good reason!  Since the 1960s, the idea of “tofu” has been used in U.S. media to conjure up images of gross, weird, vegetarian and vegan food – in the collective psyche, it’s almost a four-letter word, one that’s practically synonymous with vegetarianism itself.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Geraniums

Geraniums belong to the genus Geranium L. – Geranium P. which contains forty-four species. The plant is native to South Africa and can be found throughout the world in temperate regions and tropical mountains. They grow prolifically in the eastern Mediterranean.

Know Your Minerals: Magnesium

Popeye may have believed that the main health benefit of spinach was its iron content, but he would not have been able to flex his muscles as well if spinach was not so high in magnesium. That’s right – Popeye knows best. Eat your greens!

Know Your Minerals: Zinc

You likely learned about zinc – a type of metal – in chemistry class when you memorized the periodic table. Or maybe you have slathered on some thick, white sunscreen with zinc oxide in it? (Zinka sunscreen was all the rage in my middle school!) Perhaps you reach for a zinc supplement when you feel a cold or flu coming on?

Ayurvedic Hacks For Pain Free Periods

According to Ayurveda, the menstrual period should happen every 28 days, last about three days and be pain free. That said, if you do face painful periods then here is what you should know and do…


5 Ways To Improve Your Menstrual Cycle

I envy the women who are lucky enough to experience a pain-free menstrual cycle each month and essentially go about their daily lives with little to no interruption as their monthly moon waxes and wanes. 

My experience has been quite the opposite for as long as I can remember.

Natural PMS & Cramps Relief

Premenstrual symptoms are something lots of cis-women go through roughly every month for much of their lives. Some common symptoms include cramps, bloating, increased acne, depression, irritability and tender breasts. Research is still being conducted on why women experience PMS, and some doctors even believe PMS could be hereditary.

Superfood 101: Ginseng!

Ginseng was discovered more than 5000 years ago in the mountains of Manchuria, China. The name is derived from the Chinese word “jen” meaning the form of man and “shen” defined as the crystallization of the essence of the earth.  However, this ancient herb was used approximately the same time in North America by many of the tribes there, though the European invaders did not know of its existence until the 16th century.

Sociology & Women: Period Taboos & The Struggles Of The Disenfranchised

Periods are nature’s way of reminding women that we give life, but they are bastardized and joked about in society because they can be an inconvenience. PMS, cramps, and mood swings that accompany the monthly menstruation cycle are only the tip of the iceberg. Many women have health conditions (such as endometriosis) that make periods extremely painful.

Natural Ways To Treat & Soothe These 9 PMS Symptoms

Having a menstrual cycle is beneficial for a woman’s body.  It’s a natural process which drains the body of extra iron, prevents women from getting cardiovascular disease, and cleanses the reproductive system from certain kinds of bacteria. What’s not enjoyable is when your menstrual cycle comes with a side of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms, which are usually physically, emotionally, and mentally uncomfortable for women. Recently, I found out that there were 9 undesired PMS symptoms that women commonly acquire before their menstrual cycle. But, here’s some good news!