
7 Fruits & Vegetables To Try This Winter

Sure, winter produce doesn’t look quite as pristine as summer peaches, berries, and corn, but vegetables like kohlrabi, broccoli rabe, and even horseradish are powerful foods with plenty of flavor and lots of nutrition.

Superfood 101: Horseradish!

Horseradish is a member of the family Brassicaceae, commonly known as the Mustard family of the genus Armoracia G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. or armoracia P of the species Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. or horseradish P.

Superfood 101: Hearts Of Palm!

Hearts of Palm are a member of the family Arecaceae, commonly known as the Palm family of the genus Sabal Adans. or palmetto P of the species Sabal palmetto (Walter) Lodd. ex Schult. & Schult. f. or cabbage palmetto P. The plant is native to Central America and has been a staple food in those regions for millennia.

Superfood 101: Elderberries!

Elderberries are a member of the family Caprifoliaceae, commonly known as the Honeysuckle family of the genus Sambucus L. or elderberry P. that contains five species with several subspecies and varieties. The plant grows throughout the world in the temperate zones and the color varies depending on the region. It is a highly nutritious food that contains many beneficial nutrients.

Superfoods 101: Fiddleheads & Their Amazing Health Benefits

Fiddleheads are a growth stage in the life cycle of the fern that is a member of the family Dryopteridaceae, commonly known as the Wood Fern family of the genus Matteuccia Todaro or ostrich fern P. whose species name is Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro. Though several immature fern fronds are eaten, the oyster and cinnamon ferns are the only ones that are definitely edible.

Superfood 101: Parsnips!

Parsnips are a member of the family Apiaceae, commonly known as the carrot family, which contains ninety-one genera and includes parsnips or Pastinaca L. The plant originally was found from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus region of Asia and was cultivated from the wild parsnip.

Leftover Pumpkin? Make These Beauty Recipes

The jack-o’-lanterns will be gone in a flash around Halloween, and if you are organically making your own creations, you likely have larders groaning with jars of pumpkin puree.

Superfood 101: Pumpkins!

The pumpkin is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae, also known as the cucumber family in the genus Cucurbita L. – gourd P, which contains nine species. The familiar orange pumpkin popular in the United States is of the species Cucurbita mixta Pang.

Dandelion Coffee Milkshake (Vegan)

I’ve been on a dandelion tea KICK lately. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I do like the taste of it, believe it or not. So when I’m hankerin’ for a cup of joe, I’ll reach instead for my roasted dandelion root tea bags. The result is a hot, almost chocolate-y brew that is so satisfying first thing in the morning.