
The Habit Of Worry & How To Break Free

Oh, the illusionary and all too persuasive frequency of worry. I know this one well. I remember walking into the living room when I was eight years old and the news was on. The news channel was reporting on global warming. Here I was 8 years old, born onto a planet that was going to cook itself into a slow and painful death?! I was horrified. I didn’t sleep well for months. My stomach hurt. My thoughts were consumed and thus began my first episode of a lifelong relationship with worry, the all too disempowering frequency of “what if.”

The Superhero In You

Being mentally strong isn’t something we are born with; it’s a skill we develop over time. And it’s an essential skill—for being mentally tough is like being a superhero in today’s stressful world.

Living Yoga: Aparigraha—Non-Attachment & Letting Go

We have come to understand that yoga is present in every living, breathing moment. It is a body of knowledge, a practice, and a way of life. It dwells in many aspects of our daily existence—how we see the world, the words we use, the ways we relate, the choices we make, and ultimately how we move and act to shape our experience. Its presence is subtle and permeating. As we begin to understand the greater framework of yoga, we can look to the Yamas and Niyamas.

Trading Fear For Hope

Let’s not pretend that there are not hard times.
Let’s be real that we all go through them, are going through them, and will go through them again.

Herbal Healing: Uva Ursi

Using Uva Ursi for Magnificent Kidneys and the Release of Fear

The kidneys are often under-rated organs. They are the great detoxifiers of the body and help the body to release all that could not be used by the cells, which were then disposed of through the body's extensive lymph system. Every cell takes in nutrients from the bloodstream, which comprises around twenty percent of the area touching the cells, and then every cell releases unwanted wastes into the lymph – comprising 80% of the rest of the area around the cells.

From “Worrier” To “Warrior”

Worrying is a funny thing—it can be helpful to spark motivation, and it can be a hindrance when it reaches a chronic stage. Below is an account of anxiety, with a light touch of the humor we all need in the world.

Existential worries can plague many of us.

Burned Out By Care-Taking? Replenish Yourself In 3 Steps

In Chinese Meridian Theory there are 5 Elements and each Element corresponds to a time of the year. Now, we are in the season of Earth, the late summer time of year. These are the last few hot days of summer, which will soon be turning into autumn. The Earth Element is about being grounded.

Embracing the Unknown

Life is continuously unfolding before us. Many of us try very hard to direct the course of life’s trajectory, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, no matter how much we try to control, direct and predict where life will take us we can never fully know the future. In fact, the only thing we can count on is that life will definitely present us with unexpected twists and turns; why not learn to embrace the unexpected changes and find comfort in the unknowable future?

Living Off The Grid: How Your Worries Change

No matter the lifestyle you are living, there are bound to be certain worries that come along with it. I lived “on the grid” for most of my life. In 2012 my little family and I decided to plunge ourselves into the woods and off of the grid. As I studied, practiced, and prepared for this transitional tidal wave of a shift, I realized that my worries and concerns would now be different in many ways. It was interesting then, and still is today, to sit back and compare the differences.

All In The Head: A Short Story On Anxiety

This week I had a funny incident take place that showed me just how much of the anxiety I experience is of my own making.

On Tuesday, I sent off a flurry of text messages – to my landlord, a close friend, a new friend, etc. – and didn’t hear back from any of them. Not a single person. I made and received calls, but not a single text message came through. Being the person I am, I went into a tizzy and started imagining the worst: “I’m being a nuisance! They don’t want to be friends anymore! They’re trying to send me a passive-aggressive message!”