
The Conflict Between Motherhood & Career

As the mother of an almost two-year old, I have had the blessing and yes, the curse of staying at home with my son. You may think it outrageous to say it is a curse, but give me a moment to explain. As a mother, I adore the time I get to spend with my son day in and day out. We go to the library, grocery shopping, and to the park, and engage in all sort of learning development activities to fill our days. But at the end of that very same day, I am still a woman with professional and personal aspirations.

Vedic Astrology For March 17-23: Take A Look At Your Life Plan

It’s not every year that we get a full moon occurring simultaneously with the Sun ingressing into the sign of Aries.  I’m sure we all are aware of the effects of the full moon and how we are all naturally drawn to stare at its brilliance in the night sky.  We’ve all heard about how crazy people and things are passed off as having been stimulated by this lunar prominence.  It is surely a special time.  However, let’s look at what makes this time significant astrologically beyond just that of a full moon.


10 Healthy Snacks For Parents-On-The-Go

It is hard balancing an active lifestyle with a full-time job, school, kids’ activities, and everyday errands and still provide your family with healthy food options to promote their growth and development.

Vedic Astrology For Nov 18-24: Purpose Vs. Distraction

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplayfor the week of Nov 18–24


The gist of the cosmic interplay this week is that of parsing out purpose from distraction.  Astrologically speaking, we have Sun joining Jupiter and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius.  Let’s explore the specificities of this situation and how these placements lend themselves towards creating this energy.

Venus Retrograde In Scorpio & Direct In Libra

October 5, 2018   -thru-   November 16, 2018


Time to Review, Reflect & Set Conscious Intentions

for Release & Reclamation of Your Connection

to Your Own Core Values & Current Priorities


New Venus Cycle ~ Scorpio/Libra Theme

October 2018 – May 2020

Vedic Astrology For Sep 9-15: Jupiter, Venus & The Risk Of Overindulgence

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Sep 9–15

Astrology For Aug 4-10: Rahu, Sun & Mercury Conjunction In Leo

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplay for the week of Aug 4–Aug 10


Sit Less, Move More, Be Healthier: Here’s How

The phrase "sitting pretty" is actually an oxymoron because you will soon discover that there is nothing pretty about sitting! Most of it is scary—so for those of us who do need to sit for work, we also must get up. Why? To be healthy enough to do that job in the first place...

5 Ways Music Can Make You A Healthier, Happier Person

Our lives are intertwined with music; the time you had your heart broken, the day you walked down the aisle, the shocking call you took in the middle of a grocery store that was playing a Green Day song. Many of the most momentous occasions of our lives are marked by music, and we use them in many ways depending on our mood. Need to study? Turn on something classical. Ready to dance? Hip-hop fits the bill. Nostalgic? Turn on 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, depending on the decade you were born.

Aromatherapy For Work: Boost Productivity & Concentration With These 10 Scents

Need to train your mind into better concentration and productivity? Try sniffing these scents for some awesome olfactory power that hones your brain…