
Eco-Friendly Beach Trip Tips For Summer Fun

Awareness is growing of humans’ impact on oceans, marine life, and the entire global food chain and water cycle. We can all make a few choices to develop eco-friendly beach habits while enjoying the shore this summer.


Harvest Your Own Wild Seaweed This Summer

Imagine driving along the coast of California, admiring the gorgeous views and stunning beaches. You pull over, step out of the car, and smell the magical scent of fresh Pacific Ocean air. You breathe deep the ionically charged air, do a few stretches, and gather your seaweed harvesting tools and head down to the rocky beach. And your day begins for harvesting wild seaweed. 

Future Farms: Underwater Gardens

About an hour drive down the Mediterranean coast from Genoa Italy, and 100 meters (330 feet) out to sea, you will find yourself floating above an array of growing produce: this is Nemo’s Garden. Six to 10 meters (20-33 feet) below the ocean’s surface there is an array of fruits, vegetables, and herbs growing in garden beds that look remarkably like jellyfish. Here we find something that could mean a new chapter in agriculture.

Healing Stones: Red Coral As The Great Activator

There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.

Is Glitter Bad For The Environment?

Glitter is made from microplastics which contribute to pollution of waterways. Unfortunately, it's used in everything from art projects to cosmetics. Should we consider banning glitter in order to reduce the pollution we create? 

Microplastics: The Monster In Our Seas

We’ve heard the term bandied about in ecological circles—but what are microplastics and how can we avoid polluting our planet with them?

With the Internet flooded with images of seahorses hanging on to pieces of straw, and penguins living on floating plastic islands, and whole swathes of plastic mini-seas floating in the high seas, it’s high time we educated ourselves about microplastics. What harm can they do—to our seas and ultimately our blue planet?

Birthstone Series: Pearls & Moonstone For The Nurturing Cancer

The watery sign of Cancer has arrived with the height of the summer solstice. With the turning of her tides we find ourselves moved by our emotional bodies more than any other time of the year. Cancer is the Mother, the Moon, and the protective crab and to best support the energies she brings we lean on the Moonstone and wear Pearls.

Sustainable Seafood: What Is It & Why Does It Matter?

When I was a teenager, I took to carrying around a small, rectangular piece of paper that I had printed from the David Suzuki (a prominent Canadian environmentalist) website. The card identified species of seafood that were fine to eat, indicated by a green dot, species that could be in jeopardy, indicated by a yellow dot, and finally species that should not be eaten due to overfishing, amongst other factors, identified by a red dot.

3 Simple Ways to Protect Water + Sea Life

Many people take water for granted: Either they waste it or they simply don't appreciate it.  But here's the thing most people forget: There's only so much water on this earth, and we can't make any more of it. Sure, there's a lot of water on earth, but did you know that 96.5 percent of it is too salty for human consumption? Not to mention two thirds of the remainder (freshwater) is locked in polar ice, permanent snow, and glaciers.

5 Health Benefits of Living by the Ocean

Often regarded as a wet, polluted mess, the oceans have earned something of a bad rap over the years, but people forget just how much they can offer in the arena of health. Here are five benefits of living by the ocean.