
10 Benefits Of Mindfulness Meditation That Can Change Your Life

In today’s fast-paced world it is so easy to get distracted by competition, stress, and goals. While mindfulness has been around for ages, it is now the hot trend that helps busy professionals, parents, and students better navigate life by being present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing.

What Kind Of Meditation Is Right For You?

Meditation provides a wide range of benefits to you.  It’s no surprise meditation can help with stress, and along those lines it also has positive effects on blood pressure and mental health.  For example, meditation

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

Vedic Astrology For Feb 24-Mar 2: Learning From Longing

Each Zodiac sign has another sign opposite of it and these two signs represent one axis.  You could liken it to an axle that has two wheels attached at each end.  Each wheel represents an opposite end of a polarity of the axis.  This is a proper metaphor in astrology for understanding the psychology, paradigm, and circumstances that are indicated by the two opposing signs of an axis.

You Are Enough: How To Overcome Scarcity & Trust In Abundance

Scarcity. This energy packed frequency of limited potential is a dense membrane that surrounds the human energetic field and closes off your ability to tap into the ever-flowing creative energy of Source which is the treasure box of abundance.

10 Travel Tips For Eating Healthy On-The-Go


Your taxi is late and the flight is about ready to depart; you’re hungry but the only thing on the way to the gate is a fast food frenzy of unhealthy options. Stressed and out of options, you board the plane.

Stargazing for the Starry-Eyed

As the days begin to wane, the sun setting earlier on late summer nights, gaze up into the night sky. Stars, yes...so much more exists beyond this earth. Maybe you know what you’re looking at, and maybe you don’t. Stargazing is an awe-inspiring and humbling way to spend your summer – or winter! – nights.

Relaxing your Brain Waves through Meditation

Things move fast during the course of a day, and sometimes you can barely stop to take a breath. Meditation is a surefire way to relieve some of these stressful moments, and it has many healthful benefits, too.

The Yoga Of Eating

The Yoga of Eating

From morning until nightfall and sometimes beyond, the practice of eating can either be done consciously or unconsciously. When done without awareness, eating can contribute to symptoms of dis-ease in the body, but if approached with care and conscious attention, eating can be yet another way to practice yoga.