
A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Shasta Daisy

Shasta daisy is a member of the family Asteraceae ⁄ Compositae or Aster family of the genus Leucanthemum Mill. or daisy containing the species Leucanthemum ×superbum (Bergmans ex J.W. Ingram) Bergmans ex Kent. [maximum × lacustre] or daisy. The plant was cultivated in 1890 by Luther Burbank; by crossing a Japanese daisy with an American daisy he created the whitest flower in a garden that reflected moonlight and named it after the snow-capped mountain Mt. Shasta.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Love-Lies-Bleeding

Love-lies-bleeding is a member of the family Amaranthaceae or Amaranth family of the genus Amaranthus L. or pigweed containing the species Amaranthus caudatus L. or foxtail amaranth. The plant is native to South America, India, and Africa and its nomenclature was derived from the Greek word amarantos, translating to “unfading,” due to the long-lasting blooms of some species.

Meet The Weeds: Shepherd’s Purse As Food & Medicine

Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), is a common weed in the Mustard family. It is not native to North America, but was introduced by Europeans and has since naturalized to all states in the U.S. and provinces in Canada. Shepherd’s Purse is common along trails, sidewalks and roads; in disturbed areas; in lawns; and as a volunteer in gardens.

Natural Support For PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reasons for fertility issues in the West.  The name reflects that fact that in some of the cases, one or both of the ovaries accumulate multiple cysts…in some cases so much so that the ovary looks like swiss cheese on an ultrasound.

Helpful Herbs For Hot Flashes

Hot flashes may be a sign of entry into perimenopause, though not every woman will experience them. In fact, here in the West a majority of women will experience them, while in Japan, significantly fewer will.   

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Periwinkle

Periwinkles are a member of the family Apocynaceae, commonly known as the Dogbane family that contains two genii Catharanthus G. Don or periwinkle P which contains one species Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don or Madagascar periwinkle P and Vinca L. or periwinkle P that has three species Vinca herbacea Waldst. & Kit. or herbaceous periwinkle P, Vinca major L. or big leaf periwinkle P and Vinca minor L.

6 Natural Remedies For Menopause Symptoms

Say the word “menopause” and you might create extreme fear. Night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and even depression are all symptoms of this very common, and generally inevitable, issue. Menopause affects most women over the age of 50, and is more clearly defined once a woman has stopped menstruating for at least one year. Along with the loss of menstruation comes a decline of hormones—specifically, estrogen and progesterone, as Dr.

How To Have A Zero Waste Period

Getting your period can be a pretty wasteful event: A woman can easily go through a whole pack of pads once a month. Unfortunately, these go straight to the landfill. While a woman should never feel ashamed of her period, there are ways to curb waste during the menstrual cycle. Here's how to create a low waste menstrual cycle that will also help you save money while bettering your health. 

Chasteberry For PMS, Irregular Cycles, Fertility & More

When PMS comes around to visit, most women grab ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps, headaches, and other nasty side effects that occur near their menstrual cycle. While these over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate the pain, they often come with less-than-pleasant side effects, particularly when used long term.