
Grow (Or Forage) Your Own Spring Bouquet

For many, spring doesn’t come until the first flowers have bloomed—crocuses that line sidewalks, daffodils that spring up in patches next to highways, and hyacinth that bloom in delicately planted containers—but my favorite way to bring spring inside is with a fresh bouquet.

The 5 Healthiest Spring Vegetables

When we’re growing up, we always hear that we should eat our vegetables. Our parents drilled this habit into us, and now that we’re grown up, the choice is ours—do we still eat them? If so, why do we eat them, and which ones do we focus on?

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day The Natural Way

St. Patrick’s Day isn’t conducive to health or fitness, or so it might seem. But there are ways to make your shamrock day greener—think food dye-free, vegetable-heavy, and environmentally friendly. Here are 10 ways to make your St. Patty’s Day natural.


1. Buy organic

Eat Fresh In March: Artichoke, Kale, Lemon & Parsnip Recipes

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo

Aries New Moon: March 2017

This new moon occurs on March 27-28, 2017

Take Action!

The sign of Aries, with its symbol of the ram’s horns, shows impulse and force. The archetypes of the Warrior, Pioneer and Adventurer are each a perfect match for this energy.

The Warrior, sword pulled from his sheath, is ready to charge forward in battle. The Pioneer, in order to reach a better destination, is ready to face all unknown perils when travelling through unknown territory. And the Adventurer is willing to dismiss all fears of danger for the excitement and thrill of a new challenge.

March's Bounty: 5 Must Have Seasonal Produce Items

March is finally here, which means it’s time to reintroduce spring! Yay! Feel free to thaw out because warmer weather is headed our way. I’m stoked that I’ll soon be able to enjoy many of my favorite produce items that I’ve gone months without. As winter winds down and we happily greet the sunshine we’ve been yearning to feel again, we can rejoice in this long awaited, special time of year by preparing meals featuring the best, freshest seasonal produce March has bestowed upon us.