holistic health

Chaga Mushrooms: Black Gold For Your Health

For the uninitiated, the name chaga immediately pokes at one’s curiosity—as does its nickname, “black gold.” The chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) resembles a chunk of rough coal blooming from the side of a birch, stark in contrast to the tree’s white bark. Whether the name is just a bit of clever branding or finds its roots in its ancient medicinal context, it is, undoubtedly, correct.

Anatomy Of An Empath: Part 3

Here we are! We made it to the third part of this series.

My hope is that you have gained insight regarding many of the physical and mental characteristics of being empathic and feel more empowered moving forward. Now we will evaluate common emotional characteristics of an empath/sensitive person.

Anatomy Of An Empath: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the physical attributes that I have found in common with many empaths that I’ve worked with.

While it’s true that no one description can encompass the vast array of individuals with energetic awareness, I feel it’s important that we look at commonalities because then we may be able to learn something about the patterns and challenges that often accompany energetically sensitive people.

4 Tips For Chronic Sinus Congestion

Chronic stuffy sinuses may be due to allergies, diet, infection, or structural issues in the airways. More than one of these may be at play for some folks.  When the mucus is clear, the issue may be related to allergies, diet, or chronic low-level infection. Acute infections are most often viral, which means that antibiotics won’t work.

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: Stimulate Digestion & Appetite With These 5 Herbs

A loss of appetite can really get you down in more ways than one! When you don’t eat you lose vitamins and minerals. The herbs I’m going to cover in this article are great for stimulating the appetite, as well as stimulating digestion.

The Ritual In Plant Medicine Making

Herbal medicine making is a powerful practice rich with intention, connection, and healing. In our modern world, the potency of plant medicine is often overlooked. Yet when we trace its roots, we see that Mother Earth’s remedies are long honored across many traditions and cultures.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach]

A dear friend gifted me the book How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach. After tearing away the wrapping paper to expose a yellow cover displaying the chin mudra and the title How Yoga Works, my initial thought was, Okay, an instructional book about yoga…nice.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [Self-Healing: Master Your Life By Chris King]

Self-Healing: Master Your life

By Chris King

Master Your Life contains some great and exciting information on how to heal yourself through powerful energy healing techniques, holistic healing mechanisms and positive affirmations. This book will empower you with the ability and belief that you can heal yourself -- a chance to become the captain of your own ship. You will explore the idea of psychological, social and spiritual stability as a cure for your sickness.  

This self-help book offers

30 Easy Ways To Live In The Present Moment

Sometimes, we need to step back and take a breather. There's nothing more unhealthy than forgetting you're alive. How could people forget they're alive, you ask?

Fermented Tea Probiotics: Jun vs. Kombucha

I was recently gifted a jun culture from a local raw and vegan eatery. Being a tremendous fan of kombucha not only for the flavor, but for its gut-health boosting properties, I figured I’d give kombucha’s cousin a little love, too.