gardening tips

Your Guide To Flowers: Colchicum

Colchicum belongs to the family Liliaceae or Lily family of the genus Colchicum L. or colchicum P that contains two species. Colchicum autumnale is also known as autumn crocus or meadow saffron. It is an early fall blooming perennial and is used in areas where summer flowers are fading.

Your Guide to Summer Flowers: Toad Lily

The toad lily is a member of the family Liliaceae or the Lily family of the genus Tricyrtis Wall. or tricyrtis P having one species Tricyrtis hirta (Thunb.) Hook. commonly named toad lilly P. Toad lilies are native to Asia and are a hardy plant that does well in the temperate zones from four to eight.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Hydrangea

Hydrangea are a member of the family Hydrangeaceae, commonly known as the Hydrangea family of the genus Hydrangea L. or hydrangea P., containing six species according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: African Marigolds

African marigolds are a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Tagetes L. or marigold P and contains eight species. The plant is native to the Americas and was cultivated by the Aztecs who held them as a sacred flower and used them for medicinal purposes; thus it is also known as the American or Aztec marigold.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Gladiolus

Gladiolus plants are a member of the family Iridaceae, commonly known as the Iris family. Its genus contains eleven species according to the United States Department of Agriculture but other professional horticulturists believe that there are many more species. The flower is native to South Africa and was a food staple for the native peoples.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Cockscomb

Cockscomb is a member of the family Amaranthaceae, also known as the Amaranth family of the genus Celosia L., commonly known as cock's comb P.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Amaranth

Love-lies-bleeding flowers belong to the family Amaranthaceae, commonly known as the Amaranth family of the genus Amaranthus L. or pigweed P. There are forty-nine species in the genus that includes the Amaranthus caudatus L., also known as foxtail amaranth P. The plant is native to the tropical regions throughout the world and there is well documented use of it as a staple food for the native peoples for millennia.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Lily

The lily is a member of the family Liliaceae, which contains about 359 genuses with up to 100 species, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. The plant is native to the northern hemisphere that includes North America, Europe, and Asia. Approximately 5000 years ago a tablet found in Sumeria depicted a Persian city surrounded by a field of lilies.

10 Tips To Make Your Garden Unique

Your garden doesn’t have to be perfectly manicured to look nice—the one thing that makes a garden really stand out is using little quirks of your own to give it personality. Likewise, your garden should not look like your neighbor's garden—so it needs to carry forward your personality and its own quirk within the green.

Your Guide to Summer Flowers: Morning Glories

The morning glory belongs to the family Convolvulaceae and is native to the tropical regions of America. It was a sacred plant to the Mayan, Aztec, and other native tribes who used the seeds in ceremonies because of its hallucinogenic properties. They believed that the plant had a spirit that could allow men to speak with the gods. There has been found a recipe written by shamans that specifically had to be prepared by a virgin.