
Essential Oil Essentials: Blend Your Own Seasonal Scent For Autumn

Autumn is approaching, at least for those of us with discernible seasons. Though days here in Durango, Colorado, are still reaching the 90s, nights and mornings are cool and the sun is getting lower in the sky.  Whether you love pumpkin spice and changing leaves or struggle with the shortening daylight hours, a great way to mark the seasonal change is to make your own natural perfume blend for the fall. 

Sweet Dreams! 5 Herbs For Preventing Nightmares

In the northern hemisphere, we’re coming into the darker time of year when the subconscious likes to make more of an appearance.  Sometimes, this manifests as nightmares.  And, while nightmares can be informative in terms of issues we may need to examine, especially if they’re recurring, sometimes they’re just plain problematic…causing distress and sleep disturbances.

Spiritual & Creative Activities Bring Benefits Under Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon on December 6, 2018, happily coincides with a number of beneficial celestial transits, which will make this a very bright time for you!

All of this happens within little more than a 24-hour period at the New Moon: 

Mystical Mugwort: For Digestion, Dreams & More

Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris and A. douglasiana) has a magical feel to it: The silvery green leaves that shine in the moonlight; the distinctive scent used for dream time. Then there’s the botanical name “Artemesia,” for Artemis with her silver bow and arrow, goddess of the hunt associated with the moon and things wild. Mugwort seems to put one into a different space.

Libra Full Moon: Evolving Relationships In A Changing World

Full Moon - March 31, 2018 – 10*44’ Libra – 6:36 am MT


A Full Moon reveals the outcome of the collective work that we’ve done.


On March 17, 2018, the New Moon in Pisces set the theme for the creational energies of the lunar month. Pisces energies opened the door to expand our dreams, imagination, and creativity.

The First Quarter Moon on March 24, 2018, focused our attention on unresolved emotional issues and how we may unconsciously charge ahead, possibly provoking arguments.

Pisces New Moon: Breaking Through Our Limitations Using Imagination & Creativity

Pisces New Moon –  March 17, 2018 

A New Moon is a time to set intentions for what we’d like to see come to fruition by the time of the Full Moon. Having a better understanding of the luminary and planetary energies allows us to make better choices and helps ensure that our actions will provide the positive results we are looking for.

Growing A Magical Moon Garden

One of my favorite times to hang out in a garden is at night.  There’s a magical element there that isn’t necessarily present during the day. The beauty is less in-your-face and more subtle and nuanced.  For the night owls among you, consider building a moon garden! 

Making Sleep Pillows For Good ZZZZZs & Dreams

Sleep pillows are a sweet way to help when a restless mind or body, recurrent anxiety dreams, or even outright nightmares are keeping you awake. The use of sleep pillows is not new.  “Dilly pillows” stuffed with dill, lavender, and other relaxing aromatic herbs were traditionally used to help babies relax and fall asleep. Sleep pillows also make great gifts, something to keep in mind as the holidays approach.

Why I Act Like I Will Live To 120

Years ago I read an interview about James Franco’s childhood. When he found out he would die one day, he cried because there were so many things he wanted to do and he didn’t think he’d be able to accomplish them all in his lifetime. I relate, but not exactly in the same way. Yes, there is a lot I want to see and do, but my predominant feeling is that I’m behind. If life were a race, my perception is I’d be losing.