
Meatless Monday: Cooling Cucumber Raita Is A Hot Weather Win

By summer’s end, when your body has accumulated several months of heat, the idea of cooling down holds special appeal. And while you might be tempted to reach for a cold drink or ice cream to soothe your body, there are other, delicious, healthier foods that can do the trick, like today’s cucumber raita.

Meatless Monday: Hydrating Watermelon Salad With Cucumber & Spices

Picture this: you’ve had a beautiful day at the beach. The weather was glorious, and the company was lovely too. In fact, it was all so great that you spent a little more time in the sun than you perhaps should have. What to do to restore your body after your fun in the sun? Today’s watermelon salad with cucumber is a great place to start.

Natural Sunburn Relief: 4 DIY Skin Soothers Featuring Aloe Vera

When the weather gets hot and the sun's rays get intense, it might just leave you with a sunburn. While you should definitely be applying sunscreen while out and about, sometimes sunburns are unavoidable. Here are four DIY skin soothers for sunburns you can make yourself. 


Meatless Monday: No Stove Needed Spring Rolls With Avocado & Mango

When the heat starts to mount, we all crave more fresh food, and recipes that don’t require a stove suddenly seem like a very good idea. Whether you’re making food for a party or eating solo at home on a warm day, today’s recipe is going to make you very happy.

5 Herbs & Vegetables For The Low-Maintenance Gardener

As you plan your garden for this year, consider what type of gardener you are—or want to be. Some folks love spending meditative hours in the garden, pruning and weeding and maintaining plants. Others (like me, this year) may prefer to “sow and go”—to set seeds and watch the magic happen without extensive investment of time and energy.

Creative Uses For Your Home Canned Goods Harvest

As the main canner and preserver in my family, I spend a few days in the autumn preserving as much of our harvest as I can. I usually end up with about 30 jars of pickled cucumbers, pickled beets, canned tomatoes, and pickled dill beans.

Try These 8 Healthy Pet Treats

It can be hard to look away from puppy-dog eyes when you’re enjoying a piece of meat, a cube of cheese, or (in the case of me and my dog, Mohi) a slice of cucumber. Providing your pet with treats is fun, rewarding, and useful as a way of positive reinforcement training. Unfortunately, much like their human counterparts, many dogs, cats, and even smaller critters don’t receive enough exercise and thus can be victims to weight gain, lethargy, and the host of symptoms that overeating can bring.

Superfood 101: Cucumbers!

Cucumbers are in the genus Cucumis L. or melon P of the species Cucumis sativus L commonly known as the garden cucumber P. The plant is believed to have originated in western Asia in India and regions of the Middle East. Cucumbers have been documented in the legend of Gilgamesh in 2500 B.C.E.

Spring Detox Smoothie

When spring arrives, I can't help but think about cleaning up my eating habits. After all, spring detox is a thing (along with spring cleaning, which technically is a detox for your home). That's why I’m sharing with you a smoothie packed with nutrients your body will love. Drink it in the morning and you'll give your body a much-needed boost of energy to get you through the day.

DIY Spa Night: Pamper Yourself Naturally At Home

Need one night to unwind? Try hosting your own DIY spa night: You can invite a bunch of your friends over, or just keep it a solo party. Either way, you're bound to have fun and get pampered!

Chocolate Avocado Facial Mask

This mask is great for all skin types, especially dry, maturing, and sun damaged skin. This mask is completely edible and tastes like chocolate pudding – so no worries if some gets in your mouth!
