
Express Your Creativity Under the August 15 Full Moon

Get ready to express yourself creatively under the powerful fiery energy of the August Full Moon on August 15—when the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all travel through the creative fire sign of Leo, and energetic Jupiter travels through the expressive fire sign of Sagittarius.

Vedic Astrology For Dec 2-8: The Challenge Of Creativity

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Dec 2-8


Finally, this week we have the official end of this Mercury retrograde cycle.  Last week we had Mercury leaving Sagittarius where it was with Sun and Jupiter and bringing its distractions and disruptions.  When Mercury went retrograde into Scorpio it was the first sign of breaking up the distraction cycle that this retrogression period was all about.  Now, with it finally going direct again, we have the official end of this cycle.

How Living Abroad Boosts Your Productivity & Motivation

If you’re like most of us, you probably feel that your work habits and productivity are not near their full potential. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, boredom with your tasks, a feeling of mental/emotional depletion, or just struggling with time management—we all get to a place in our work lives where we feel somewhat stuck. Many successful people have overcome this—or avoided it completely in the first place—by moving to another country…preferably as far away as possible.

Libra Full Moon: Evolving Relationships In A Changing World

Full Moon - March 31, 2018 – 10*44’ Libra – 6:36 am MT


A Full Moon reveals the outcome of the collective work that we’ve done.


On March 17, 2018, the New Moon in Pisces set the theme for the creational energies of the lunar month. Pisces energies opened the door to expand our dreams, imagination, and creativity.

The First Quarter Moon on March 24, 2018, focused our attention on unresolved emotional issues and how we may unconsciously charge ahead, possibly provoking arguments.

Pisces New Moon: Breaking Through Our Limitations Using Imagination & Creativity

Pisces New Moon –  March 17, 2018 

A New Moon is a time to set intentions for what we’d like to see come to fruition by the time of the Full Moon. Having a better understanding of the luminary and planetary energies allows us to make better choices and helps ensure that our actions will provide the positive results we are looking for.

Sacred Transformation:  A Successful New York Businesswoman Trusted Divine Intervention To Live Her Soul’s Calling As A Healer

Like many of us, Reiki Master JoAnne Palladino is no stranger to fear. She has spent nights covered in sweat, mired in confusion and anxiety, wondering if the sun would come up in the morning. Her fears were not unfounded: her life’s journey led her onto a path whose destination was completely unknown.
However, JoAnne's story is not about fear. It is about courage. Specifically, the courage that it takes to surrender and to trust in one's inner calling.

Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

Is Tiny House Living Right for Your Family?

If you’ve ever found yourself watching Tiny House Nation with a trace of envy, you may be wondering if tiny house living is right for your family. Although tiny houses may seem like practical dwellings for only singles or couples, there are growing numbers of families living in tiny houses with children. Ours is one of them.

2 Worlds, 1 Choice

Whichever you focus on—either the arising, awakening, and creation of the new, or the havoc, eruption, insanity, and destruction of the old—is the reality you will experience. 

While an illusory world based on the beliefs of separation is coming to the surface to be disintegrated by the collective expansion of heart-intuited awareness, the collapse of these outdated systems will not go down smoothly. The good news is that you may experience that havoc, or not. 

Fun, Festive Family Activities For June

Aaah, it’s June. By the way, that was a sigh of pure relief. I can already feel the relaxation settling into my soon-to-be well-rested bones. June is such a surprisingly pleasant month for numerous reasons—my absolute favorite reasons are because the weather is just dreamy, and this month marks the start of summer. To kick off your fabulous summer with your fabulous loved ones, be sure to immerse yourselves in some (or all) of these totally June-tastic activities.