Vision boards were big in 2009 - partly due to Tyra Banks’ adoration of the idea, and partly due to lingering effects of “The Secret,” the idea to put your hopes and dreams into the universe was big business. Regardless of your own ideas about positive thought, it’s certainly better than being a pessimist. Creating a visual representation of your goals is a fun way to help you visualize success and can still be a great practice today.
It’s also a fantastic activity to do with children or a group of friends that has nothing to do with staring at a screen! We’ve all heard stories of someone trying to get in shape and taping photos of inspirational models on the fridge. It’s the same idea. Maybe if your goal is to buy new running shoes to help you train for that marathon, a reminder photo will help you keep moving forward.
Get Your Tools
Old magazines, print outs or even your own creativity are the foundation for a great vision board. Pick up some cardboard paper at the store, or go totally green and find a suitable board in the recycling bin. A fancier option is picking up a corkboard and pinning your vision to it. You can always update, remove and add as your dreams evolve.
It’s important to create a fun, inviting atmosphere when making your vision board. Whether this comes down to happy hour in your home or a relaxed weekend activity post-breakfast is up to you. Some people say the energy surrounding the creation is just as important as the end result. Who says you can’t bottle positive energy?
Writing it Down
Before you start hunting for pictures or sketching your dreams, write them down. This is similar to creating a bucket list. Decide if your vision board is for the next year, five years or decade. This will help you trim down your list to something that will fit on your board.
Vision boards should reflect realistic goals with various degrees of challenge. Some can be relatively simple, like making your bed daily. Others can be more ambitious, such as getting into a Ph.D. program. Balance out your goals so that you’re inspired, and not overwhelmed, when you see your board.
Stick With It
It’s important to keep your board where you will see it every day. Maybe you don’t believe that putting those thoughts into the universe will make them come to fruition. However, if you’re reminded daily of what you want, that will encourage you to keep working towards your goals. Out of sight out of mind works in every aspect of life.
I have a friend who commits to creating a new vision board every year. She hosts a party around New Years and invites all of her friends to do the same. Whenever and however you plan your board, enjoy it and think of it as a plan of action.