
Vedic Astrology For March 24-30: Everything Is Actually Just Fine The Way It Is

Have you ever been in a difficult situation or circumstance where you can’t necessarily explain why, but you feel like it’s a natural process that for some strange reason just needs to happen and so you’re ok with it?  This is a great way of explaining the nature of the energy of what is happening in the sky this week.  There are a couple of different factors to explain here to understand why this is the case.  There are some things that I have been discussing for awhile that have been ongoing—such as Saturn conjunct Ketu and Mercury being retrograde.  There is also some

Vedic Astrology For March 17-23: Take A Look At Your Life Plan

It’s not every year that we get a full moon occurring simultaneously with the Sun ingressing into the sign of Aries.  I’m sure we all are aware of the effects of the full moon and how we are all naturally drawn to stare at its brilliance in the night sky.  We’ve all heard about how crazy people and things are passed off as having been stimulated by this lunar prominence.  It is surely a special time.  However, let’s look at what makes this time significant astrologically beyond just that of a full moon.


Vedic Astrology For March 10-16: Counter Accidental Righteousness With Intentional Humility

This week we have the full special planetary aspect of Mars landing upon Jupiter.  While Mars is considered to be a cruel planet in Vedic astrology, it is actually helpful to Jupiter.  This is because in Vedic Astrology we have a system of determining the help or hindrance that one planet influencing another causes from what is known as natural planetary relationships.

Vedic Astrology For March 3-9: Take A Breath During Mercury Retrograde

If a storm is on the way, does it make more sense to wait and see how much rain it brings and then adjust accordingly?  Or is it better to batten down the hatches beforehand and stock up on supplies and expect the worst?  Personally, I’m a fan of the latter.  With that in mind, let’s take a look at the upcoming Mercury retrograde period beginning on March 5th. 


Vedic Astrology For Feb 24-Mar 2: Learning From Longing

Each Zodiac sign has another sign opposite of it and these two signs represent one axis.  You could liken it to an axle that has two wheels attached at each end.  Each wheel represents an opposite end of a polarity of the axis.  This is a proper metaphor in astrology for understanding the psychology, paradigm, and circumstances that are indicated by the two opposing signs of an axis.

Vedic Astrology For February 17-23: Mars Brings the Passion

How apropos that we have Mars entering into the sign of Taurus right around Valentine’s Day.  In Vedic Astrology, we know Taurus to be ruled by the planet Venus.  With the presence of Mars being in Venus’s sign, we have a connection of these two planets.  When we have these two planets connecting their energies, one of the indications is passion.  And what better time for this connection, right?  With that being said, let’s look at why this is the case and get a sense of the bigger picture of Mars and Venus’s connections.


Vedic Astrology For Feb 10-16: Surrender To Reality & Dive Inside

Mercury and Venus are two planets whose energies works together to help us in our ability to make decisions.  In the zodiac, they are never too far apart as their orbits are closer to the Sun.  Very often, in fact, they are in the same sign and conjunct.  At times it seems like they are inseparable and their energies are very synergistic towards each other.  In Vedic Astrology, they are known to be mutual friends towards each other which means that each’s natural characteristics and qualities complements those of the other.  Now let’s look at how they work together.

Vedic Astrology For Feb 3-9: Venus, Saturn & Self-Worth

When thinking of Venus, the concept that often comes to mind is the process of valuation.  This is all about assigning worth to something within the context of the environment in which it exists.  In a common sense, valuation is often associated with property.  But with Venus in consideration, this context of assessing value and worth is more about what brings comfort to one’s life and joy to one’s heart.  This is a very personal sense of value and worth that each individual holds dear.


Vedic Astrology For Jan 27-Feb 2: The Time Is Now!

Each new year represents a clean slate and a time to create course corrections to those areas in our lives that aren’t meeting our expectations.  This is why we create things like new year’s resolutions and create promises to make this upcoming calendar year better than the last.  Whereas these intentions are great, there is at times a reluctance to implement these changes in our lives because it typically represents moving out of our comfort zone. 

Vedic Astrology For Jan 20-26: Shedding The Comfortable

This week we have Jupiter and Venus coming conjunct to the exact degree in the sign of Sagittarius.  I will discuss how these two planets interact both individually and together and what this can indicate.  I’ll also cast it in the light of the eclipse that is taking place this Sunday, January 20.