
5 Ways To Celebrate Spring (Includes Bonus Recipe)

Spring is one of my favorite seasons (aside from the allergies that go along with it). It's a time when winter has passed and everything starts waking up from a long slumber. The trees start budding, flowers start sprouting, and wildlife activity peaks. As someone who thoroughly enjoys nature and loves spending time outdoors, spring is the perfect season to start making up for all those days spent inside. Not to mention with the new season comes (can you guess it?) new food!

Spirulina: Superfood Or Super Toxic?

Recently, Dr. Andrew Weil published an article talking about the effects of spirulina. I’ve talked about it before, and for good reason: spirulina has a wide array of health benefits, containing vitamins A, K, B12, and contains more protein per gram than red meat.

Be Kind To Your Body

The human body is truly a wonderland. Our bones are one of the strongest substances known to man, along with granite and concrete. Our heart pumps one million gallons of blood in our lifetime and our largest artery is capable of building enough pressure during each heartbeat to shoot blood 30 feet into the air.

3 Reasons To Ditch Plastic For Good

It's almost impossible to completely avoid plastic nowadays. It's everywhere—in our beds, in our clothes, and even in our food. But we can do our best to avoid it as much as physically possible. You might be wondering why it matters? Here are three reasons you should kiss plastic goodbye.


Non-Toxic Shower Curtains: 4 PVC-Free Options

The other day while out shopping with my mom, I spotted a warning on a shower curtain case. It basically said the materials the shower curtain was made from were toxic and linked to cancer and hormone disrupters. I had to do a double take. Did they really just admit to such a thing and then still deem it worthy to put on store shelves? I was totally blown away. It leads me to ask—are shower curtains toxic? The short answer is yes, but here's why and what you need to know. 

4 Herbs To Get Your Lymph System Going

Many folks aren’t in the habit of paying attention to the lymph system. Hopefully, that changes, because the lymph system is critical for dealing with infections and for recycling multiple substances (hormones, antibodies, plasma, and more) back into the bloodstream. Our cells expel wastes into the surrounding fluids, and the lymph system is important for soaking these and other toxins up for elimination from the body.

Detox Naturally From Wildfire Smoke With These 8 Tips

With all of the devastating wildfires ravaging California, the western United States, and much of Europe, thousands of people have been affected by wildfire smoke. Unfortunately, much of the smoke produced during these wildfires contain enormous amounts of toxins. 

2-Ingredient Natural DIY Hair Spray & Hair Gel

Most hair sprays and hair gels are loaded with icky ingredients and packaged in wasteful plastic. Making your own all-natural hair spray and hair gel will not only save you money, but do wonders for your health. Here's how to DIY your own and save a buck.

4 Endocrine Disruptors To Avoid: Triclosan, BPA, Dioxin & Phthalates

Certain chemicals can be very harmful to your endocrine system and can have a negative impact on your health. Unfortunately, some of these dangerous chemicals are used in common, everyday items. Here are four endocrine disruptors you need to avoid—and how to avoid them.

The Benefits Of Dry Brushing & How To Do It

Even though I live in California, where winters don’t always merit the name, I’ve been piling on the cozy sweaters and donning the sturdy boots that make winter wardrobes the best part of the season. But what’s out of sight is out of mind, and I recently realized that my long-hidden skin could use some serious love. Parched and pasty, my legs especially showed signs of neglect, so I decided to bring my dry brush out of its winter retirement.