
Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

You Are Enough: How To Overcome Scarcity & Trust In Abundance

Scarcity. This energy packed frequency of limited potential is a dense membrane that surrounds the human energetic field and closes off your ability to tap into the ever-flowing creative energy of Source which is the treasure box of abundance.

Try Nature Therapy Right Now

When I’m sad and at a loss for what to do, I’ll often head to the high country outside of Durango, Colorado. If my energy is too low to wander in the woods, I may simply park in a pull-off to sit and “check in” with Twilight Peak or Engineer Mountain.  Nothing like a giant rock that’s been there for tens of millions of years for a bit of perspective and support.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Touch

After our explorations into settling imbalances in the mind through Sight, Sound, and Smell, it’s time to turn our attention towards the body. As you recall, we are able to satisfy and support our dosha physically through the senses of Taste and Touch.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Sound

Our own five senses—the “gateways to healing,” as they are referred to in Ayurveda—are very powerful tools for promoting health and wellbeing. They allow us to use everything around us as medicine.

This week, we’ll dive into the world of Sound. (We previously looked at Sight.)

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Sight

We’ve developed an incredible foundational knowledge of the building blocks of life, the mind/body characteristics of the three doshas, and the empowered choice-making that is available to us through this ancient system of health and healing. Now it’s time to explore exactly how to apply Ayurvedic principles and practices in real time.

Ayurveda teaches that we have exclusive, 24/7 access to five distinct Gateways to Healing—also known as our five senses.

7 Reasons To Love Your Body

When we desire to make new changes in our life, our body is usually the first to be examined. During this process, we can be harsh, judgmental, and critical to our own life-shells. Our thoughts are powerful, and our bodies listen and react to these thoughts. Rather than hating on our bodies, we should be trying to show them love through taking the necessary steps needed to make and keep them healthy. We can start making these positive, healthy changes by honoring our bodies, and focusing on what our bodies do right, rather than what’s wrong with them.

Pratyahara in Practice

“The restraint of the senses occurs when the mind is able to remain in its chosen direction and the senses disregard the different objects around them and faithfully follow the direction of the mind.”

- Yoga Sutra 2.54 Translation by TKV Desikachar

Yoga for the Eyes

My mother wore hard contact lenses for over 30 years. After working with Yoga for the Eyes for several months she began to see a marked improvement in her vision and after six month's time, she didn't need the contacts anymore. Now she only uses reading glasses on the occasion that she is staring at pages for extended periods of time. I was astonished to realize that Yoga for the Eyes was so powerful and so quick in its results.