second chakra

The Second Chakra & Your Relationship To The Other

The chakra system is a system that EVERY human being has, whether you believe in energy or not. The chakras are powerful energy centers that can be found along the spinal column with two extending into the head. Last time, we focused on the root chakra.

Over Spending? Try Balancing Your 2nd Chakra

With the holidays behind us and the energy of the SUN focusing the majority of its influence on the southern hemisphere, it’s a good time to look inward and track where our energy is losing potency.

The way we spend money is a wonderful opportunity to see how efficient our energy is running.

Money is Energy.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Orange And Abundance

Have you ever stood in the middle of an orange orchard and breathed in the sweet, heady fragrance of oranges ripe for the picking? It is truly one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. It could be nothing less than the scent of abundance filling the air, reminding my cells that they are not limited to what I put into my mouth, but that every part of my being can, at any time, access the Supreme Source of All that Is.

When you hear the word "abundance" what do you think of? 

Money? Wealth? Riches? Freedom

Chakra Series: The Sacral Chakra

Much of society (and the world at large) has been struggling through first and second chakra issues for what seems like all of time. These are the “most difficult” passages for the kundalini shakti to work through in the consciousness of “lower” man, as these chakras deal with basic, primal, sexual and ancestral issues. The previous article in this series discussed the first chakra and what both an asleep and an awakened root chakra look like/act like.