
Full Moon October 13 Opens The Way For Powerful Transformation

The Full Moon in Aries on Sunday, October 13, forms a powerful and transformative T-square in the heavens. A T-square occurs when 3 planets in 3 different constellations create square angles with each other. A T-square configuration, especially when it coincides with a Full Moon, can create tension in the atmosphere as the tides are higher and water in our bodies swells to create a feeling of pressure. 

Avoid Impulsive Action Until After Harvest Full Moon Friday Sept 13

It will be a very busy day on the Harvest Moon (Full Moon) of Friday, September 13—which you may notice is also Friday the 13th! 

In addition to the superstition associated with Friday the 13th, the planets will be forming a tense T-square in the sky (2 square angles or 3/4 of a grand cross) under this Full Moon. This portends the feeling of being at a crossroads. Or, if you don’t feel at a crossroads, you may feel you are missing a piece of information, so you cannot necessarily move forward or back. You may feel temporarily stuck.

Examine Reality vs. Fantasy Under the Strawberry Moon on June 17

The Full Moon in Sagittarius—when the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius—arrives on June 17, 2019. This day is also called the "Strawberry Moon” because June’s Full Moon is traditionally associated with the harvest of the strawberry crops.

Libra Full Moon On April 19: A Time For Balance, Love & Healing Energy

Get ready for the rare  2nd Libra Full Moon in a row on Friday, April 19! This Full Moon lands on Good Friday and comes 30 days after the last Full Moon in Libra on the Spring Equinox (March 20). Not only do we not normally have 2 Full Moons in a row in the same sign, but these Full Moons also coincide with other powerful turning points in our yearly calendar.

You may wonder, why do we have 2 Libra Full Moons in a row? And why do they both occur on special occasions?

Find Your Harmony Point Under The Aries New Moon On April 5

The New Moon in Aries on April 5 will shine the cosmic spotlight on…YOU!


The interesting twist on the normally self-oriented Aries New Moon is that it forms a perfect square angle with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (January 5, 2019). 

Focus On Your Relationships Under Rare Double Libra Full Moons

Rarely does a full moon fall twice in a row in one astrological sign as will be the case this spring! The first Libra Full Moon falls on the same day as the Spring Equinox when the Sun enters Aries on March 20, 2019.The second Libra Full Moon occurs on April 19, 2019, the last day of Aries, just 24 hours before the Sun enters Taurus. Again, Full Moons generally occur in sequential order. So, after the Libra Full Moon, generally the Scorpio Full Moon comes next.

Venus Retrograde In Scorpio & Direct In Libra

October 5, 2018   -thru-   November 16, 2018


Time to Review, Reflect & Set Conscious Intentions

for Release & Reclamation of Your Connection

to Your Own Core Values & Current Priorities


New Venus Cycle ~ Scorpio/Libra Theme

October 2018 – May 2020

Vedic Astrology For Sep 30-Oct 6: Venus Retrograde Makes Life Good

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Sep 30–Oct 6

Vedic Astrology For Sep 23-29: Sun, Saturn, Libra & Perception Vs. Reality

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Sep 23–29

Appreciate Your Relationships Under Libra New Moon Oct 8

The Libra New Moon on October 8 is your day for love! With the Sun and Moon in the Venus-ruled sign of Libra on Monday, October 8, it’s a good time for hearts and flowers!