
Communication Delays Likely Under Leo New Moon

The New Moon in Leo occurs on Wednesday, July 31, just 46 minutes before Mercury completes its retrograde cycle. With Mercury in Cancer in retrograde at the moment of the Leo New Moon (8:12 pm PDT/11:12 pm EDT), this celestial line-up portends delays in communication—either in delivering communication, receiving communication, or formulating an idea or expressing an idea. It will be important to have patience!

Practice Peace & Harmony Under The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On July 16

The July 16 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falls into a complex T-square pattern that is certain to provoke hidden tensions inside yourself and in your personal relationships. 

The July 16 eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica, where its effects will be strongest.

Examine Reality vs. Fantasy Under the Strawberry Moon on June 17

The Full Moon in Sagittarius—when the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius—arrives on June 17, 2019. This day is also called the "Strawberry Moon” because June’s Full Moon is traditionally associated with the harvest of the strawberry crops.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On Jan 20-21 Is A Time To Be Yourself

The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on January 20-21 is also a Super Moon because it will appear larger than normal due to its close proximity to Earth. While this eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America, you will also feel its disorganizing impact, particularly if you have a cusp birthday: January 20-22, February 19-21, March 20-22, April 20-22, May 21-23, June 21-23, July 22-24, August 22-24, September 22-24, October 23-25, November 22-24, or December 21-23.

August New Moon Solar Eclipse: Revelations, Discoveries & Communication

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo the Lion on Saturday, August 11 will provide you the energy to roar! With the Sun, Moon, and talkative Mercury in Leo, this is a time to express yourself! But also remember to LISTEN too! Leonine energy is warm, generous, and supportive. But much important information can be glossed over under the radiant influence of Leo the Lion.

Astrology For Aug 4-10: Rahu, Sun & Mercury Conjunction In Leo

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplay for the week of Aug 4–Aug 10


July Monthly Horoscope: Leo


Loud and proud, if you got it flaunt it. You are becoming more comfortable in your own skin! And when you are comfortable in your own skin, you feel great about yourself and your uniqueness! When you use your unique talents, you will gain financially. Things are looking very good, so be proud of your accomplishments, but do not settle for less—look to achieve even greater accomplishments. You might be out front and eager to go on the outside, but in your own home you like it quiet.

June Monthly Horoscope: Leo


June can pose a minor challenge for the “lion” in exercising opinions too forcefully. This is partly due to the planetary boost helping you express yourself in such a variety of ways. You will feel an ease exploring and creating in the areas of communication. Acting and improv create the perfect “roar”.

When it comes to conversations, avoid the temptation to have to win the argument. You will know all the “smart” things to say but your cleverness may not be worth losing the relationship. Keep verbal exchanges cooperative and in a low key.

Scorpio Full Moon: The Phoenix Within You

Full Moon - Scorpio 9° 38’ – April 29, 2018

A Full Moon is a time to harvest the fruit of our efforts for this cycle. It’s a time to be illuminated on what we’ve created in our lives, what we want to keep, and what we need to change.

Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse: Single Sacred Lion Seeks Divine Dynamic Lioness

Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
January 31, 2018, 6:26 am MST

All Full Moons represent a culmination of energies that begin with the New Moon. The Capricorn New Moon on Jan 16, 2018, represented a major theme for setting and achieving goals.