
Meatless Monday: Cooling Cucumber Raita Is A Hot Weather Win

By summer’s end, when your body has accumulated several months of heat, the idea of cooling down holds special appeal. And while you might be tempted to reach for a cold drink or ice cream to soothe your body, there are other, delicious, healthier foods that can do the trick, like today’s cucumber raita.

Meatless Monday: Endlessly Adaptable Mediterranean Salad With Grains

When it comes to food, flavor is only part of the goodness. Eating well is one of many ways we can care for ourselves, and sharing a meal increases its health benefits. When you choose simple, adaptable recipes like today’s Mediterranean salad, you can effortlessly extend your wellness circle to include others.

Meatless Monday: Crispy Cauliflower Fritters With Cool Cucumber Yogurt Sauce

We can all agree on crispy, right? So let’s start there. While most of us here at love our vegetables, there are others who might beg to differ. And yes, they could be people we love. What to do? Fry. Frying vegetables has this magical way of making them desirable to just about everyone.

5 Herbs & Vegetables For The Low-Maintenance Gardener

As you plan your garden for this year, consider what type of gardener you are—or want to be. Some folks love spending meditative hours in the garden, pruning and weeding and maintaining plants. Others (like me, this year) may prefer to “sow and go”—to set seeds and watch the magic happen without extensive investment of time and energy.

Creative Uses For Your Home Canned Goods Harvest

As the main canner and preserver in my family, I spend a few days in the autumn preserving as much of our harvest as I can. I usually end up with about 30 jars of pickled cucumbers, pickled beets, canned tomatoes, and pickled dill beans.

Superfood 101: Cucumbers!

Cucumbers are in the genus Cucumis L. or melon P of the species Cucumis sativus L commonly known as the garden cucumber P. The plant is believed to have originated in western Asia in India and regions of the Middle East. Cucumbers have been documented in the legend of Gilgamesh in 2500 B.C.E.

Beauty From The Kitchens: Get Glowing With Granny’s Secrets

Remember those endless beauty secrets your grandma was such a proponent of? Well, most of them are true and do have a scientific explanation behind them. Let’s explore a few common kitchen ingredients and the kind of magic you can work with them for a truly glowing visage! The great thing is that you don’t have to make a market trip for these—you can simply raid your kitchen and are good to go.

13 Easy, Healthy Ways To Naturally Flavor Water

Looking to add a little excitement to your glass of water? Many of the products used for flavoring your water are unnatural and often contain chemicals you wouldn’t want to put in your body. If you are interested in finding alternatives, check out these 10 neat ways to naturally flavor your water.

Rosemary and Watermelon

How To Quick Pickle

Gardens are in full bloom this time of year, so what better way to celebrate your bounty of cucumbers (or plethora of other veggies, for that matter) than by throwing them in a brine and quick pickling them?