
Summer Salsa Recipes, 5 Different Ways

I like salsa.  I like salsa a lot.  In fact, sometimes I roam around the house, looking for innocent vessels to be unwitting accomplices in my salsa-scooping mania. 

See, the thing about salsa is that it is so versatile.  It’s like saying you like pizza or sandwiches—there are so many different variations that of course you do, because there’s a pizza (or salsa) out there for everyone!  And even if you had it yesterday, you can still have it today—just try a different spin on it.

Creamy Caramelized Onion Dip

I was crazy for fried onions as a kid. Growing up, my mom used to douse our pierogies with spoonfuls of fried yellow onion. Crispy, sweet, almost burnt and, well…onion-y. My mouth waters just thinking about it. The weird thing was…my mom actually hated onions, except for when they were caramelized or fried. 

Healthy Vegan Sour Cream & Onion Dip

I’ve always loved sour cream and onion. In fact, I was known for it as a kid. I was that weirdo who would eat chopped onions on my chocolate ice cream. I kid you not! Now that I’m an adult though, I’m a little more…refined with my tastes, especially when it comes to onions.

Healthy Baked Falafels With Tahini Sauce

I’ve been craving falafels lately and have no idea why. Maybe it’s because I was recently looking through my Birthright trip photos and remembered having the best falafel of my life in Tel Aviv. My friend and I went out one night in search of the best falafel and boy, did we ever find it. It was being served out of a little shack on the side of the street. People were lining up around the block for this stuff, so we figured it had to be good.

Natural Condiments: Make Your Own Ketchup & Mustard

Name the first classic American condiments that pop into your mind. To me, those are undeniably ketchup and mustard. They're everywhere and taste great with a number of dishes. The only problem? Most commercial condiments are loaded with artificial ingredients. Not to mention they're almost always packaged in plastic (which isn't exactly good for the environment).

Natural Condiments: Make Your Own Peanut Butter & Jelly

Condiments are great. There are so many of them, and they can always make or break a dish. Two of my favorite condiments are peanut butter and jelly, a diehard classic. One day, while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I wondered how easy it would be to make my own peanut butter and jelly condiments from scratch. You’ll be delighted to know that it’s very easy (and tasty!). It just takes a little time, patience, and dedication. The best part is, you have full control over the ingredients list.