
Detox Naturally From Wildfire Smoke With These 8 Tips

With all of the devastating wildfires ravaging California, the western United States, and much of Europe, thousands of people have been affected by wildfire smoke. Unfortunately, much of the smoke produced during these wildfires contain enormous amounts of toxins. 

3 Reasons To Try An Infrared Sauna This Spring

In spring, nature moves us from the dormancy of winter into a time of cleansing, awakening, and growth. Roused by rain, seeds ensconced in the earth begin to sprout little, skyward-reaching, green arms. What better way to usher in the season than by supporting regeneration in your own body? Infrared light can gently rejuvenate the body and prepare it for the impending energy of summer.

Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

Ask A Practitioner: Benefits Of The Ion Cleanse Foot Detox

Join every week for a Q&A session with one of Basmati’s practitioners, Melissa Hill (FDN-P)! We know that there is a lot of confusing information out there, which can make applying health advice overwhelming.  Sometimes, it’s best to ask a practitioner directly, so each week we’ll cover a common health question!

Beauty From The Kitchens: DIY 2-Ingredient Skin Masks

Need some beauteous help from nature? Try these really simple, but really effective masks that you can make with just two ingredients! Now, how cool is that?

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Sage The Wise

Lighting a bundle of sage, the shaman, oracle, priestess, healer wafts the thick smoke of the quick-burning leaves in order to purify the space, open up psychic channels and prepare the way for deeper issues to be addressed. As the smoke clears, so too does the heaviness that was present before its igniting. All that was unclean is now clean, and negative energies cease in the space for the true work to begin.

What Is Ama?

Do you wake up every morning feeling fresh and rejuvenated? Is your mind clear and skin glowing? If not, you may be experiencing the accumulation of Ama in the body. A body free from Ama feels light and generally enthusiastic about life and has a pink tongue and blemish-free complexion.

(Re)Treat Yourself: How to Take a Personal Yoga Retreat at Home

A weekend in Bali. A month in Morocco. Three weeks camping on the Baja Peninsula. Expensive, exotic yoga retreats, trainings and festivals are popping up all over the globe. As wonderful as it would be to just drop the kids off at Grandma’s and jetset around the world to connect with the yogis and energies of foreign lands, it’s not always feasible -- especially when Grandma’s RVing in North Carolina and you used the last of your PTO when your bestie was in town last month.

5 Ways To Detox Your Liver (Without Doing A Full-On Cleanse)

Not only does Spring evoke warm, happy feelings of renewal and rebirth, but it also evokes cravings, specifically for greens, salads, fruit and fresh produce in general.

Chakra Series: Vishuddhi - The Throat Chakra

Sitting in the pit of the throat, supporting the thyroid and parathyroid, the larynx and the vocal chords, sits Vishuddhi Chakra. Literally translated as “Visha” = impurities/poisons and “Shuddhi” = to purify, this vital center sits as the vortex for taking in that which is sweet and that which is considered “poison” from our environment and our experiences for potential purification. I say “potential” because this possibility exists with the proper use and activation of the Vishuddhi chakra, though not all are able to harness its power for personal reward.