
Chakra Series: Unity Consciousness in the Crown

Babies usually enter the world head first, literally “crowning” as their final move from the fetal stage of development into the oxygen breathing world of humanhood. The Crown Chakra is found at the very top of the head and is the interface between the world of the unseen and this body. When the Crown chakra, also known as Sahasara, is fully open and activated it is seen as the Thousand-petaled Lotus and is rainbow colored, signifying that all of the lower centers are open and functioning.

Chakra Series: The Power Of The Observer In The Third Eye

The capacity to witness life from the standpoint of the “observer” is a skill that sets apart the novice from the expert, especially in terms of spiritual advancement. To the ancients, this ability is deemed a technique used to classify the beginner from the advanced human and is given the name drashta in Sanskrit – which translates as “the witness.” When one has cultivated this witnessing attitude and can maintain it through all layers of evolutionary unfoldment, this state signifies an awakened and functioning third eye center, or at least the beginning stages of such.

Chakra Series: The High Heart

Nestled between the heart and the throat sits an often unrecognized energy center which brings the consciousness and signatures of these two area's chakras together in a beautiful, harmonious, powerful way. Known by many as the “High Heart” or “Chakra 4.5” this chakra is all about living your personal truth and doing so with passion and conviction.

Chakra Series: Anahata - The Heart Chakra

With awareness in the heart center, I invite my client to breathe into the chest and allow prana to fill the body and activate her Anahata chakra as we clear the emotions of a “heartwall” we have located during our session. This conscious breath sends healing energy throughout the body, reminding her to sing the “song of the self” as she lets go of years, life-times even, of unprocessed emotions which have seemingly “protected” her heart from pain.

Chakra Series: The Navel Chakra

Sitting in the center of the navel, between the belly button and the sternum, sits the third vital center, known as Manipura Chakra. Translated as “City of Jewels,” this energy vortex feeds the digestive system, stomach and pancreas/spleen. It is responsible for the consciousness of motivation, empowerment and creativity.

How To Align Your Chakras Through Yoga

Have you ever heard the term “find your center”? Have you ever wondered what exactly it meant to find ‘balance’ in your life? The answer can be found deep within, at the core of your innermost self. There, you will discover your energy sources and how they affect every part of your life.

Chakra Series: The Sacral Chakra

Much of society (and the world at large) has been struggling through first and second chakra issues for what seems like all of time. These are the “most difficult” passages for the kundalini shakti to work through in the consciousness of “lower” man, as these chakras deal with basic, primal, sexual and ancestral issues. The previous article in this series discussed the first chakra and what both an asleep and an awakened root chakra look like/act like.

Chakras: An Introduction to the Mystical Rainbow in the Spine

Flying on the serpent of light, passing through initiation after initiation at each energy plexus, the rainbow colors activate and bring new layers and levels of consciousness to the one who opens the gates.