
Claim Your Power With The Third Chakra

Welcome to part three of the seven part chakra series. Today we celebrate the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. This is a power house of an energy center.  When this chakra is spinning harmoniously there is no stopping what you are capable of doing, nor is there a limit to the energy available to do it with. When it is off though, boy can the ego run amuck. You know self-doubt and boisterousness are two sides of the same coin, right? They are both ego: polarity expression of the same essence.

The Root Chakra, Our Key To Survival

To those of you, who are relatively new to the world of energy, welcome. To those seasoned few I invite you into beginner’s mind.

“Cure” Your Insomnia With These 3 Realizations


What if you could see your insomnia not as insomnia at all—not as some “ailment” that needs fixing, but rather, as something else, something that was serving your evolutionary process?

From Helplessness To Empowerment: The Energetic Perspective On Depression

Many of us regard depression as an inner darkness that can throw us into the depths of debilitating emotional and mental pain, making it impossible for us to function in this world for weeks or months even. Life feels pointless, the world appears hopeless, and all we can feel is numbness.

Healing Journeys: How Do I Know Energy Healing Is Working?

Welcome to Healing Journeys - a corner of Basmati.com where you can read about our team's real experiences with different holistic healing modalities. Trying a new type of healing can be overwhelming and you might first want to hear about someone's experience before taking the plunge. Healing Journeys will cover many different types of healing.

Healing Journeys: What Is An Energy Coaching Session?

Welcome to Healing Journeys - a corner of Basmati.com where you can read about our team's real experiences with different holistic healing modalities. Trying a new type of healing can be overwhelming and you might first want to hear about someone's experience before taking the plunge. Healing Journeys will cover many different types of healing.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Empowerment Through Personal Responsibility With Cardamom

Wandering the streets of India, I notice the smell of cardamom fills the air, especially when approaching a sweets shop. I had never been immersed in its heady fragrance before my sojourns to India, but now it is one of my favorite scents and flavors. Perhaps it is because in all of its uniqueness, cardamom encourages a sense of self-responsibility, an owning of what is.

Finding Your Personal Power

When you think of a powerful being, do you think of yourself?

Why or why not is that, do you suppose?

Often times, when we ruminate on personal power, we may think of an archetypical superhero dressed up in their costume, ready to save the day.

Or perhaps we envision a famous celebrity, who seemingly has the world at their fingertips. It seems that our society has bred us to look externally at other people and things to feel a sense of power.

Finding Fault With False Forgiveness

Forgiveness. Sometimes it seems to be the be-all and end-all of spiritual practice, the goal

of every religious seeker, the easy solution to almost every experience of abuse and trauma a person can experience. Indeed, true forgiveness is a profound state—and probably a pinnacle of spiritual evolution. However, demanding that those who are on different places on the path to healing and wholeness forgive—without even understanding what that entails—and using “forgiveness” as a way to blame victims is an act of violence itself.

Energy Healing Session: Inner Masculine & Feminine Connection

Welcome to Healing Journeys - a corner of Basmati.com where you can read about our team's real experiences with different holistic healing modalities. Trying a new type of healing can be overwhelming and you might first want to hear about someone's experience before taking the plunge. Healing Journeys will cover many different types of healing.