The holiday season is here again, which means families are flocking together to share in the festivities of the season–and, of course, giving gifts. While quality time with your loved one and homemade presents are often the most precious options, if you’re looking for something extra, we have you covered. Your holistic holiday guide, here:
1) Essential oil diffusers
Essential oils seemed to be all the rage in 2016. While avoiding trends is usually the best option, in this case going with the rising trend is worth it. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years and for many purposes–from aromatherapy to medicinal, cleaning products and beauty routines. With options ranging from lavender to geranium and from sage to tea tree, there’s an essential oil for everyone. While individual vials of oil make great gifts, an essential oil diffuser will be extra appreciated. Diffusers come in a variety of options, some requiring water and others nothing more than the essential oil itself. Look for diffusers that are backed with warranty and/or are well-reviewed.
2) Cookbooks
There are more specific dietary options available in restaurants than ever before, and the same holds true for quality, accessible cookbooks. UnDiet Life by Meghan Telpner and Whole Bowls: Complete Gluten-Free and Vegetarian Meals to Power Your Day by Allison Day are just two of the myriad of choices. Looking for vegan cuisine? Check out Angela Liddon’s Oh She Glows Cookbook. The classic The Ayurvedic Cookbook, though humble in its front cover looks, is a standby favorite for those interested in Ayurvedic-style cuisine. Keep in mind that cookbooks make even better gifts when used with a friend.
3) Grounding Mat
Grounding mats may seem no different than a doormat or a rug–unless you know about earthing. Earthing is based on the idea that, over time, we accumulate positive electrons as free radicals in our body. This happens naturally, but can be accelerated with electromagnetic waves, wi-fi, etc. When we walk outside with solely our barefeet, we accumulate negatively charged electrons to balance our bodies. Earthing can help negate jet lag, reduce inflammation and fatigue, normalize biological rhythms and more. However, for those of us who are unable to spend hours outside–particularly in the winter–a grounding mat can ensure we’re equalizing our bodies’ energy balances. Try this earthing starter kit, or, for a smaller and cheaper option, this earthing sheet.
4) Natural Fragrance and Perfumes
Synthetic fragrances and conventional perfumes contain a host of dangerous chemicals, with many showing direct links to hormone disruption, lowered sperm count, cancer, diabetes and even obesity. Swap out the overly heady fragrances of department store perfumes and try a blend from Living Libations, or create your own with a mix of essential oils.
5) Reusable Containers
Reusable containers might not sound like the most exciting option, but listen to this: all plastics leach chemicals into our food, including plastic food storage containers. Trade in smelly, foggy plastic for glass containers or–better yet–stainless steel containers. Do you have a friend that religiously brings lunch to work? This eco-friendly Tri Bento tiffin is made up of three separate containers that clip together for safe and secure toting. Best of all, tiffins don’t tend to hang on to yesterday’s lunch smell.
6) Eco-friendly Yoga Mats
80 million Americans likely tried yoga this year, and the number is only set to rise for 2017. More yogis means for mats, so why not help the earth by purchasing an eco-friendly yoga mat? Jade Yoga mats are made from sustainable rubber tapped from rubber trees, not to mention they come in vibrant colors like Tibetan Orange, Midnight Blue and Chile Pepper Red.
7) Feel-Good Books
Ever read a self-help book that left you feeling worse about yourself? I can guarantee it wasn’t a book by self-proclaimed spiritual activist Gabrielle Bernstein. Her latest book, The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith, takes readers through Bernstein’s personal beliefs, but leaves readers with the ability to apply her tools to readers’ personal faiths. Other books to consider include You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero and the blunt The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Mason. Check out your local library or a second-hand bookstore before purchasing a new copy. Now that’s smart.
8) Light Therapy Alarms
Tired of hearing a friend or loved one complaining about waking up early or continually hitting the snooze button? A light therapy alarm clock may be the perfect–and most practical–way of suggesting they try a different method. Wake-up lights mimic the gradual lightening of the sky at dawn, slowly getting brighter as the time to “wake-up” draws nearer.
9) Blender
There are several affordable blenders on the market to meet all your blending needs. Blenders are particularly well-suited for those interested in creating more smoothies, juices, and even soups. A starter’s smoothie book, such as this one, serves as the perfect accompaniment.
10) Donate
Consider giving money to a non-profit organization that means something to your friend or family member instead of a gift. Spend time researching the organization so that you know exactly where your money is going, and donate in your friend’s name, so that it also means something to them. The best gift for the holidays is the one of love.