
Focus On Your Inner Child Under The New Moon Solar Eclipse In Cancer

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019, is the second New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer of the past year, and will likely awaken issues last raised to your awareness in July 2018.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse clears the way for a new idea, a new understanding, and a new direction. When the New Moon Solar Eclipse is in the Sign of Cancer, the new idea, understanding, or direction will have to do with your home, family, and feelings of safety and security.

Pisces New Moon On March 6: Prepare To Set New Boundaries

The March 6 New Moon in Pisces falls on a special day—it is the first day that Uranus, planet of radical innovation, will be in the stable, earthy, creative sign of Taurus, where it will remain until 2026. Uranus was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1942, and briefly from May 15 to November 6, 2018. Uranus in Taurus will alter the normal patterns in financial markets and cause fluctuating values of material goods, precious metals, gems, and real estate.

Superfood 101: Goji Berries Overflow With Antioxidants

There’s more to those little red berries on top of that smoothie bowl than you may know!

Sagittarius Full Moon: Passionately Seeking Wisdom

Full Moon – Sagittarius 8°10′ - May 29, 2018

All Full Moons highlight the opposing polarities in our lives. They ask us to see and make choices so that we may know ourselves better.  

Enter the Eagle

Throughout history we’ve celebrated the return of those who left the village and travelled beyond the “known world.” Upon their return, the information they shared with us expanded our understanding of the world and ourselves. There was both excitement and comfort in seeing the bigger picture and our place within it.

Libra Full Moon: Evolving Relationships In A Changing World

Full Moon - March 31, 2018 – 10*44’ Libra – 6:36 am MT


A Full Moon reveals the outcome of the collective work that we’ve done.


On March 17, 2018, the New Moon in Pisces set the theme for the creational energies of the lunar month. Pisces energies opened the door to expand our dreams, imagination, and creativity.

The First Quarter Moon on March 24, 2018, focused our attention on unresolved emotional issues and how we may unconsciously charge ahead, possibly provoking arguments.

Love & No Go Hand In Hand

When I think “love,” I think soft, gentle, and kind. I also think “permissive.” If I love someone, I want them to have everything they desire. But that’s not real love. Real love also means saying “no.”

How To Use Hematite to Create Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Due to extreme heat and pressure within the earth, incredible gems and precious stones are produced. These gems beautify our experiences and offer valuable healing tools for an evolutionary lifestyle. Much like the creation of gemstones, relationships that can withstand the fire of transformation and alchemy (inevitably occurring between two who enter such a space), have the potential to become powerful healing bodies and holders of high frequency vibrations that bless the planet.