The Full Moon in Cancer on December 22 arrives just hours after the Winter Solstice on December 21 and is the last Full Moon of 2018!
This Full Moon will be particularly impactful as it forms a potent “T-square” with energetic Mars as well as the planetoid Chiron, the mythical wounded healer. With the Sun in the hard-working sign of Capricorn and the Moon in the sensitive, home-oriented sign of Cancer, you will be drawn to decide which way you would like to direct your energies. Do you want to fortify your foundations by attending to your home and family? Or, do you want to make your mark on the world? Either way, you will take action swiftly and decisively during the next two weeks with the activating energy of Mars influencing the Full Moon configuration.
On Service & Altruism
And the electromagnetic charge of Chiron, along with the strong magnetic pull of the Sun, Moon, and Mars, will also guide your actions. You will receive the greatest rewards from your efforts when they serve your fellow human beings in some way, whether these are the people in your home environment, at work, or in the greater populace—whether you know them or not. The planetoid Chiron represents the wounded healer, who is skillfully able to help others—but not himself. It is only by giving of himself to the welfare of others that he finds his true peace—in serving something greater than himself.
While this may sound self-sacrificing, what better way to lift your spirits during the holiday season than to spend some time thinking of others and trying to uplift and heal them? The energy of Chiron is not discriminating—it derives satisfaction from giving to both strangers and intimate companions. Your efforts will be richly rewarded!
Also note that energetic Mars opposes the Moon on December 28 and then moves from Pisces to Aries on December 31, 9 days after the Full Moon, which will give further energetic drive to your altruistic efforts.
Use the Focused Energy to Your Advantage
Then, the Sun conjoins Saturn in Capricorn on January 1, 2019. This celestial combination will focus your mind on practical activities that will produce long-term positive benefits. Rather than allow the disciplining energy of Saturn in Capricorn to get you down, use its tenacious energy to overcome an obstacle you thought you couldn’t overcome, or complete a project you have left outstanding.
With the completion of the retrograde motion of Venus in November and Mercury earlier in December, the stage is set for your positive intentions to manifest! With a little forethought and planning, the intensely activating energies of the Sun and Mars, combined with the focused and determined energy of Saturn in Capricorn, will help you steer the ship of your life in the direction you would like to go.
The highly focused and clarifying energy of this month’s Full Moon is setting the stage for a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5, 2019, when you will be ready to start a new chapter in your life. This New Moon position last occurred on January 6, 2000, which presented a similar new beginning at the start of the “new” millennium.
Refining Energy of Saturn in Capricorn Helps Us Grow
Without a clear direction in mind, you may feel a bit stagnant, or as if you are “all dressed up with nowhere to go” under the Full Moon and subsequent conjunction of the Sun and Saturn. But again, forethought and clear thinking will enable you to make all the difference in your life. The combination of the Sun and Saturn creates a narrow passageway through which the most refined and well-thought-out ideas can easily pass. Those concepts that are haphazard or not well-thought-out will fall by the wayside. This is a time of purification and clarification where only that which is for your highest good—and the highest good of all involved—will be allowed by the universe to pass into the next chapter of your life—and into the next chapter of human evolution.
You may notice that many institutions and systems from the past are not faring well during these transformational times. This is because of the refining energy of Saturn in Capricorn (December 2017-December 2020), which is helping to show us collectively what we no longer need so we can begin rebuilding systems that will support humanity’s higher level of consciousness. You are part of this collective evolution, and at the very least, you will be well-served when you contribute to your own positive growth and evolution at this pivotal time—as we end one year and begin the next. Use your new awareness and positive energy at the December 22 Full Moon to make a positive contribution to another person or to the wellbeing of humankind as a whole!