The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo the Lion on Saturday, August 11 will provide you the energy to roar! With the Sun, Moon, and talkative Mercury in Leo, this is a time to express yourself! But also remember to LISTEN too! Leonine energy is warm, generous, and supportive. But much important information can be glossed over under the radiant influence of Leo the Lion.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse, which will be visible in northern Canada, Greenland, northern Europe and Asia, will align with lucky and expansive Jupiter in Scorpio and be opposite energetic Mars in Aquarius. So, if you were born under the signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus (or if you were born under the Moon, Mercury, Mars, or Ascendant in these signs), prepare for a busy—and potentially unpredictable—few weeks until the next Full Moon on Sunday, August 26.
Mercury finishes retrograde
Communicative Mercury also finishes its 3-week retrograde motion and returns to its normal cadence a week after the eclipse on Saturday, August 18, when Mercury resumes direct motion. If you are embroiled in any confusing or chaotic situations, expect them to start to clear up after this time. Be ready to sprint ahead even more quickly when energetic Mars completes its 2-month retrograde period on Monday, August 27.
New Moon Solar Eclipse = Revelations & Discoveries
A New Moon Solar Eclipse, as we will experience on Saturday, August 11, occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on the Sun. A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. When the New Moon coincides with a Solar Eclipse, as will occur on Saturday, August 11, there is a new level of awareness entering the collective consciousness, and commensurate new activities begin too. If you have planned to introduce a new project or idea for more than 6 months, the 2 weeks after this Solar Eclipse are the time to get the ball rolling. If you have received your inspiration for a new idea or project within the month before the Solar Eclipse, it is advisable to wait another 6 months, until the next series of eclipses completes in January 2019, before taking the first steps on your new ideas. Much information will be revealed in this intervening period. Ask questions and do your research before planting new seeds.
Also, expect new revelations, accelerated communications, and new discoveries under the influence of this New Moon Solar Eclipse. Being that the New Moon is in the sign of Leo the Lion, our sense of self and entitlement is strong—so do your best to figure out what you rightfully deserve and express yourself in positive ways without stepping on the toes of others, who are equally committed to expressing themselves!
With the influence of spiritual and philosophical Jupiter and Mercury Retrograde on this eclipse, you will benefit from reviewing a spiritual philosophy or spiritual practice you previously have engaged in. You also will enjoy getting in touch with people you have known in the past. And you certainly have the possibility of discovering a new attitude or approach for the future. This eclipse will prompt you to think and question decisions you have previously made. You will be ready to take positive action on your new discoveries and awareness later in August or even in mid-September when the square angle between lucky Jupiter and the eclipse point merge in the heavens.
In general, slow down in the days coming up to the New Moon, look at matters from as many angles as possible, and take judicious action in the weeks following the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Eclipses portend major shifts in consciousness, so you will gather full information from 2 weeks to 6 months after this eclipse has occurred. You will be able to implement your new plans as time progresses.
Masculine & Feminine Energy During Eclipses
Eclipses tend to bring either feminine or masculine energy to the fore, as the rays of either the Sun (masculine energy) or the Moon (feminine energy) are temporarily blocked from reaching the earth during an eclipse. Under a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which last occurred on Friday, July 27, the Moon was temporarily obscured, giving precedence to male energy and expressions in the subsequent 2 weeks. Under a Full Moon Solar Eclipse, which is upcoming on Saturday, August 11, the Sun is temporarily obscured by the Moon, so female energy is on the rise again. So, get in touch with your feelings, express them in loving ways, and nurture yourself and others with the beneficent rays of the Moon.
Also, think back to what was happening to you 19 years ago during the New Moon Solar Eclipse of 1999. There may well be a relation between emotions, ambitions, and events you were processing then and those you are processing today—on a higher level, of course, with your higher level of awareness developed in the last 19 years!