
SPARC Conference 2019

SPARC (Strategic, Perspectives, Accelerating, Real, Change) is an an annual discussion on Community, Diversity, Youth and Well-Being   One question will be addressed from three different perspectives: "How can we as a society and community do better for our young people?"   This year's 3 Keynote Speakers: Lisa Boylan  Special Agent - FBI Violent Crimes Investigation Los Angeles Adam Foss  Prosecutor Impact - Founder Criminal Justice Reform 4-Star General Stephen Townsend U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command United States Army

Spring Equinox Forest Bathing

Sunday, March 17th 1pm - 4pm Redwood Glen Trailhead - Oakland, CA $40 ($5 off for those who came to fall equinox) The Spring Equinox marks the first day of spring, it marks the beginning of the astrological year. It is a time for planting seeds and intentions. It is a time of blossoming, of renewal.

Painting The Wheel of the Year: Ostara with Colleen Koziara

The Wheel of the Year. Time, not linear but circular. Round and round we go, and have always gone. Since the beginning of time, humans, of every faith and culture, have found time best tracked in circles. Humans have created stone circles aligned with the seasons for at least 200,000 years. Everything in life falls comfortably somewhere upon the spokes of the wheel of time. The times of day, the seasons, the astrological calendar, the trees and symbols of the Ogham, Alchemy, Festivals, ages of human life, the colors, musical notes, emotions, tides.

Women Healing Grief and Expanding Love

What does grief, fear or despair ask of you?   Emotions like grief, fear and despair are as much a part of the human condition as love, awe and joy. They are our natural and inevitable responses to existence. These emotions have value and purpose but we must be willing to experience them to understand their message.   Grief, fear and despair show up in many forms and for many reasons.

EXPLORE Retreat – Healing in Taos, New Mexico

SPRING 2019 EXPLORE RETREAT | TAOS, NEW MEXICO | MAY 17-20 Experience the Healing Energy of the Ancient Desert Mountains and Immerse Yourself in Nature in Breathtaking Northern New Mexico See full details and description at   ABOUT THIS RETREAT: This journey offers you a full, long weekend for inner-exploration, healing, and re-connection.

Breathwork & Self-Healing – Workshop

INTRO TO BREATHWORK & SELF-HEALING In this special healing group, you will learn the basics of how to tune your own Intuitive compass, set healthier energetic boundaries, and strengthen your relationship with Mother Earth. ABOUT THIS GROUP: Bring any issue — pain, fear, or stuck energy you are ready to open up and clear. We will connect as a group, set our intention to be open to healing, and use the Breathwork to move the energy.

Shamanic Astrology 101

What does your Soul want? Our first breath of life and the moment we enter into this world we have the gifts, elements, tools and spark to launch into the world. Shamanic Astrology is a body of knowledge that can be of immense help in understanding our soul’s intent and the phases of life. In this class, over 2 days, you will learn the basics of Shamanic Astrology, what is astrology and where it came from.

Shamanic Astrology 101

What does your Soul want? Our first breath of life and the moment we enter into this world we have the gifts, elements, tools and spark to launch into the world. Shamanic Astrology is a body of knowledge that can be of immense help in understanding our soul’s intent and the phases of life. In this class, over 2 days, you will learn the basics of Shamanic Astrology, what is astrology and where it came from. Details include summaries of each sign of the zodiac, the 4 elements, our lineage, tools and what symbolizes ‘life purpose’ in an astrology chart.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Symposium 2019

Life, the Universe, and Everything: The Marion K. “Doc” Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy is a three-day academic symposium on all aspects of science fiction and fantasy. Comprised of panels, presentations and papers on writing, art, literature, film, gaming and other facets of speculative fiction, LTUE is a place to learn all about life, the universe, and everything else you love.   GUESTS     Guest of Honor - Kelly Barnhill   Kelly Barnhill is an author, teacher and mom.