Chat With A Healer: Jaro Watorski From The Ways Of The Heart That Guide sits down with Jaro Watorski to talk about finding one's true path and serenity. sits down with Jaro Watorski to talk about finding one's true path and serenity. sits down with Joseph Carter to talk about Acupuncture and his introduction to Asian healing arts.
Astrologer Andrea Bryant reads Ursula Squire's October Astrology Forecast for a deep dive emotional investigation, integration, and peace. sits down with Herbalist Dara Saville about love of nature, natural healing, and herbalism. sits down with Janet Michalk to talk about holistic healing, releasing negative blocks, and more! sits down with Pierre Couvillion about all things holistic living!
Never had your astrological chart read? Always wanted to know what it's like? Tune in here for Basmati Editor Ursula Squire getting her September Soul Chart read!
Basmati sits down with Spiritual Intuitive & Shamanic Astrologer Kelly Beard!