The September New Moon arrives just at the moment the Sun and Moon converge in the purifying sign of Virgo on Sunday, September 9. This energy will help you objectively analyze the direction you are going and will supply you with the energy to make course corrections if necessary.
The traditional New Year of the Hebrew calendar (Rosh Hashanah, literally the Head of the Year) annually occurs at the Virgo New Moon, this year on September 9. The Virgo New Moon is considered the start of a new year because Virgo supplies the energy for self-examination, refinement, and rectification. Once we look back and take stock, and then make appropriate adjustments, we are equipped to move forward with greater vision and purpose at the subsequent Autumn Equinox, when the Sun moves into the activating air sign of Libra on September 22. Now is the time to complete final details before moving forward with confidence and clarity.
Loving Venus, Feisty Mars & Communicative Mercury Make Moves
The New Moon also coincides with 3 other important planetary changes. Loving Venus moves into Scorpio just hours before the New Moon. This will intensify your feelings toward loved ones. Feisty Mars moves into community-oriented Aquarius the following day. This will encourage your desire to join with others to accomplish altruistic goals. And several days before the New Moon, communicative Mercury joins the Sun in the precise and conscientious sign of Virgo, giving you greater focus on the details of projects and relationships with which you are involved. Disciplined Saturn resumes direct motion in hard-working Capricorn just days before the New Moon as well, helping you to move forward on projects that have been delayed for the last six months, since Saturn turned retrograde in mid-April.
All together, this means that this is the time to make significant advancement on ideas you have been contemplating since the Spring Equinox earlier this year. This is your time to apply the finishing touches and take the first steps on the concepts you care about!
Additionally, with no retrogrades of the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter during the month of September, each of your forward steps will feel as if they are being carried forward on wings of angels. The delays and detours you may have experienced during the summer months will melt away under the swift-moving energies initiated by the New Moon of September.
If you have been feeling that your footsteps were falling in quick-sand—and quickly sinking—you will start to feel as if you are not only walking on solid ground, but cascading through the air without much resistance after the September 9 New Moon.
If you were born under the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, or if you have your Moon or Rising Sign in an earth sign, you will feel especially in sync with the energies of the month of September. If you were born under the air signs of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, or if you have your Moon or Rising Sign in an air sign, you will feel ready to initiate a new beginning as the month of September progresses. If you were born under the fire signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or if you have your Moon or Rising Sign in a fire sign, you will be inspired and uplifted by the purifying energies of the Virgo New Moon. If you were born under the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, or if you have your Moon or Rising Sign in a water sign, you will feel ready to bring previous commitments to completion during the month of September. This will be a time for you to tie together loose threads from the tapestry of your life.
From New Moon to Harvest Moon
For everyone, your most productive days will come between the New Moon on September 9 and the Full Moon on September 24. The Full Moon on September 24 is also the “Harvest Moon,” which is the Full Moon that falls closest to the Autumn Equinox (September 22). The Harvest Moon rises closest to the Earth’s equator of all the annual Full Moons, and thus appears larger and closer to the Earth than other Full Moons during the year. The alignment of the Sun and Moon at the equinoctial point also helps you establish greater balance in your everyday life. You will make significant progress during the two weeks after the New Moon and just before the moments leading to the Harvest Moon on September 24.
Especially powerful energies coalesce under the Libra Moon of September 10 and 11, just after the Virgo New Moon, combined with powerful celestial angles formed between lucky Jupiter and profound Pluto at the same time. An opposition between Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus on September 12 will introduce a new, undiscovered element into existing relationships and bring strangers together in unexpected ways. A positive angle between communicative Mercury and depth-seeking Pluto on September 15 will reveal buried facts. And Mercury and the Sun in Libra beginning on September 22 will bring imbalanced situations back into balance.
Step back, gain perspective, assume an objective stance, and get ready to move forward with equanimity, equilibrium, and poise at the Autumn Equinox on September 22! You are in the driver’s seat this month!