
The Ayurveda Guide To Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many—but especially so for the mother. According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is a time to balance the vata dosha, the energy of air and space. The vata energy, which resides in the nervous system, is responsible for proper fetal development.

Healing Stones: Red Coral As The Great Activator

There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.

Should You Practice Yoga On Moon Days?

The full moon—dogs howl at it; crime rates increase when it’s out; and, according to legend, the Buddha was born, became enlightened, and entered Nirvana all on days it governed. Observers of the sky have used the moon’s shapeshifting quality for centuries to chart the months and plant and harvest their crops, and cultures across the globe grant particular significance to the new and full moons.

Ayurveda Guide To Immunity

‘Tis the season! No, not that season. Cold and flu season.  How are you supporting your immune system? Most people know to load up on Vitamin C, and maybe you also take an immune-boosting elderberry syrup or other remedy?

Intro To Hindu Deities: Lakshmi & Divine Abundance

Om Shreem MahaLakshmiyah Swaha

Praises to name of the Great Mother of both spiritual and material wealth which lives inside our consciousness. May we, in this moment, access the birthright of abundance which is ours. And so it is.

Ask A Practitioner: How Can I Help Joint Pain?

Join every week for a Q&A session with one of Basmati’s practitioners, Melissa Hill (FDN-P)! We know that there is a lot of confusing information out there, which can make applying health advice overwhelming.  Sometimes, it’s best to ask a practitioner directly, so each week we’ll cover a common health question!

Ayurvedic Healing: An Introduction To Marma

Healing the Physical & Subtle Bodies

Healing happens on many levels both gross and subtle. We hold the power to heal our bodies with the foods we eat, heal our thoughts with our contemplative practices, and heal our relationships with awareness and conscious action. Medicine comes through many streams, nourishing the journey we walk to live a balanced and healthy life. In Ancient India, the Rishis or seers of the time recognized the range of remedies that support our human experience, and ultimately our path home.

Introduction To The Koshas: The Many Layers Of Us

The body is layered, stacked like a Russian doll. In yogic philosophy, it is explained how the body is actually made up of various sheaths and what each sheath of the body is responsible for. By coming to know the five main koshas, or body fields or sheaths, it is easier to understand what part of us responds to, holds or processes each of our experiences.

An Intro To The Vagus Nerve & The Connection To Kundalini

The yogis and rishis of old sat in lotus, immersed in Samadhi, listening to the sounds of the ether and bringing through timeless information from the cosmos. How did they reach this state of peaceful bliss and cosmic consciousness? This article points you in the direction of the mystical kundalini energy referenced in the practice of yoga as well as introduces you to the all-important Vagus nerve, and how these two are related.