
Superfood 101: Sapoti!

Sapoti is a member of the family Sapotaceae or Sapodilla family of the genus Sapota Mill., also known as sapota P, containing the species Sapota zapotilla (Jacq.) Cov. or manilkara zapota P. The plant is also called pouteria sapota, mamey sapote, marmalade tree, red mamey, and zapote. Sapoti is native to some islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America.

Superfood 101: Pitanga (Surinam Cherry)!

Pitanga is a member of the family Myrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Eugenia L., also known as stopper P, containing the species Eugenia uniflora L., commonly named Surinam cherry P. The plant is native to the tropical regions of South America and was brought to India from Brazil by the Portuguese. It is also known as Surinam cherry.

Superfood 101: Acai!

Acai berries are a member of the family Arecaceae or Palm family of the genus Euterpe Mart., commonly known as palm P, containing the species Euterpe oleracea Mart. or Assai palm P. The plant is native to the Amazon jungle and the people of the area have used the berries for medicinal purposes for millennia.

Superfood 101: Carambola (Star Fruit)!

Carambola is a member of the family Oxalidaceae or Wood-Sorrel family of the genus Averrhoa Adans, also known as averrhoa P, containing the species Averrhoa carambola L. or carambola P. The plant is known in the United States as star fruit. The nomenclature carambola was a Portuguese interpretation of the Sanskrit word for the fruit “karmaranga” which means “food appetizer.”

Superfood 101: Guava!

Guava is a member of the family Myrtaceae, commonly known as the Myrtle family of the genus Psidium L. or guava P, containing the species Psidium guajava L. or guava P. The plant is thought to be native to Mexico and Central America but it is not certain because of the widespread and longtime seed disbursement by man and animals.

Superfood 101: Coconut Water!

Coconut water comes from the immature fruit of the coconut palm. The coconut palm is a member of the family Arecaceae or Palm family of the genus Cocos L., commonly known as coconut palm P, containing the species Cocos nucifera L. or coconut palm P. The tree has its origins in the region known as Indian Malay.

Superfood 101: Pineapple!

Pineapple is a member of the family Bromeliaceae or Bromeliad family of the genus Ananas Mill, also known as pineapple P, containing the species Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. or pineapple P.  The plant is native to Brazil where it is known as ananas, the Brazilian Tupi Indian word meaning "excellent fruit"—this term is used throughout the world.

Superfood 101: Green Beans!

Green beans are a member of the family Fabaceae ⁄ Leguminosae, commonly known as the Pea family of the genus Phaseolus L. or bean, containing the species as identified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as Phaseolus vulgaris L. or kidney bean. The plant is native to the Americas and was documented in Mexico, parts of Central America, and regions of South America.

Superfood 101: Gulupa!

Gulupa is a member of the family Passifloraceae or Passion-flower family of the genus Passiflora L., commonly known as passionflower P, containing the species Passiflora edulis Sims or purple granadilla P. The plant is native to Brazil and flourishes in tropical America. It is also known as purple passion fruit, chulupa, and galupa culupo.

Superfood 101: Soursop!

Soursop is a member of the family Annonaceae or Custard-apple family of the genus Annona L. commonly known as Annona and contains the species Annona muricata L. or soursop. The plant is native to the West Indies and northern regions of South America and can be found today throughout the tropical climates of the world. A Puerto Rican professor renamed the plant guanabana in 1951, adding to its nomenclature.