
How Heat Heals

We like to wistfully muse about our lives. To play with the concept of this—literally—self-contained unit of time. This line of thinking has been called introspection, reflection, egocentrism, existentialism…I spent a considerable amount of time inside this line of thinking when I was in school. Whenever I would share my thoughts with friends or classmates I’d inevitably get “whoa, that's so deep man” in reply, and not much else. This irked me to no end. Yet, their disinterest had meaning in and of itself. How was running on this proverbial hamster wheel at all relevant to daily life?

How Stress Keeps You Healthy

Wide eyes and a gaped mouth. Your heart is racing and your breath picks up pace. You start to sweat as your body prepares…


You’re familiar with this feeling. Actually, we all are. These are the trademarks of stress. But for everything that’s happening on the surface, there is a rolling torrent of reactions happening inside. Our body is preparing for action: to fight or to flee.

Natural Treatments For Lyme Disease

Ticks might seem like fairly innocuous, if annoying, insects, but these arachnids often carry dangerous diseases that can lead to chronic illness.

3 Reasons To Try An Infrared Sauna This Spring

In spring, nature moves us from the dormancy of winter into a time of cleansing, awakening, and growth. Roused by rain, seeds ensconced in the earth begin to sprout little, skyward-reaching, green arms. What better way to usher in the season than by supporting regeneration in your own body? Infrared light can gently rejuvenate the body and prepare it for the impending energy of summer.

6 Reasons To Try Hot Baths For Better Recovery

Ice baths have long been used as a recovery tool for high-performing athletes as well as those looking to reduce inflammation and fatigue, but what if all those freezing sessions were for naught? New research points less to the ice and more to the warmth. Here are six reasons you might try drawing a hot bath to better recover—and make it enjoyable, too.