
Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Oils To Ease Sadness & Grief

When sadness hits, your energy may be low or you might feel paralyzed.  In these times, you might just skip making a fancy inhaler or spray. Just grab the bottle of oil and take a couple sniffs every couple of hours, being careful not to spill it.  If you’re going to be out and about, a spritzer is nice, as it’s easy to use and less of a disaster if it leaks in your bag.

Green Pet Burial: Honor Your Pet While Being Environmentally Responsible

There are close to 90 million dogs in the United States and an even higher number of cats. While these pets—for many of us, companions, best friends, and loyal members of our family—often go on to have full lives, their passing is unfortunately inevitable. Burying our loved animals in the backyard is often the best choice, but is not always practical or possible.

Pedicularis: An Herbal Hug For Your Heart

Pedicu-what???   This plant is a bit off the beaten path for many folks.  The name “Pedicularis” is from Latin, meaning “lice.”  Yum.  Commonly known as Lousewort, the plant was thought to cause a lice infestation if ingested. But, not to worry!  I’ve been using it for years and so far no lice.


5 Herbs To Bust The Blues (& Help Persistent Depression)

Most folks deal with the blues at some point—some of us more persistently than others.  Working one’s way out of a funk requires a broader plan beyond simply taking an herb. That said, herbs can be a helpful part of the approach.  Here are 5 herbs that have traditionally been used for depression…try one out and see if it helps you!

Discover How Foods Affect Your Mood With An Elimination Diet

When I started herb school, one of the teachers mentioned having a meltdown the day after eating a pint of ice cream.  She knew it would happen, from experience, but really wanted the ice cream. I remember thinking “Really?  Distraught on the bathroom floor just from eating ice cream?”  Then the class did an elimination-provocation diet, and wow!

From Helplessness To Empowerment: The Energetic Perspective On Depression

Many of us regard depression as an inner darkness that can throw us into the depths of debilitating emotional and mental pain, making it impossible for us to function in this world for weeks or months even. Life feels pointless, the world appears hopeless, and all we can feel is numbness.

Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Fantastic Conifer Oils

I recently wrote on citrus essential oils, my favorite oils for scent. Now, we’ll move on to conifer essential oils, another group I love. These are uplifting and motivating, and they blend beautifully with citrus oils for both scent and energetics.

5 Herbs To Heal Your Winter Woes

Ah, winter—the season of retreating indoors, finding every way to keep warm, and snuggling up with your favorite book or Netflix show for a slow descent into hibernation, solitude, and a fair amount of seasonal down time.

While the frigid cold winter weather outside can affect your energy levels and leave you with the sluggish winter blues, there are seasonal winter herbs that can also lift you out of your winter funk to revitalize your well-being and mood with some natural herbal supplements.

3 Ways To Combat The Winter Blues

December has a reputation for cheer, and many of us spend the preceding months anxiously awaiting all the winter festivities. But not everyone feels the joy this time of year. Six percent of the U.S.

Honoring the Tamasic Nature: How Stagnation, Decay and Death Serve

In a previous article, When you need Rajas: The Ayurvedic Element of Change, the three main elemental principles (or Gunas) of yogic and Ayurvedic philosophy (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) were introduced and spoken to. In this article I want to explore the tamasic nature of stagnation, decay and death and how honoring this element in our lives can serve us wildly.