
Vedic Astrology For Oct 21-27: Sun & Venus = All Work & No Play

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Oct 21–27


August 26: Full Moon In Pisces With Sun In Virgo

The August 26th Full Moon will be a culminating point of everything you’ve worked for in the last year. You will feel as if you are on a mountaintop looking back over the previous year—and forward to the next year.

With energetic Mars getting ready to move forward after a 2-month retrograde just hours after the Full Moon, and with communicative Mercury having resumed forward motion on August 18, the energy will be ripe for forward movement. Prepare to take action!

The Down & Dirty Truths About Soulmates

Soulmates. Individuals destined to be together, forever. Twin flames.

Whatever you call it, the idea of soulmates brings to mind a powerful and perfect union where love flows freely and the feeling of true union is ever-present.

Here’s How To Make Your Own Rose Water—& Use It

“What’s in a name,” Shakespeare said. And call a rose whatever you want, it will still smell as sweet and be as healthy. So here’s to making your own rose water, and using it for beauty and health…

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Vetiver & Timelines

When you hear the term “timelines” your mind immediately wants to leap into sci-fi fantasy lands of dimensional blurs and several lives happening “simultaneously.” Though this is possible in the metaphysical and quantum perspective, it is a bit difficult to wrap one’s mind around and so is often dismissed as “impossible” or inconceivable. However, what if “another timeline” is simply one where you are experiencing yourself in a different mental state, attracting new solutions, or feeling better in your body?

5 Best Herbs For Your Sex Life

Just like our mind, body, and soul can get unwell or need some enhancements, so can our libido. Men and women both deal with sexual dysfunction issues whether they are mild, severe, permanent, or temporary. Needing a boost in the bedroom is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It happens! Menopause, andropause, medication, anxiety, stress, and many other factors can be to blame for sexual dysfunction. A look into the ancient medicine cabinet will show many that there is hope.

Relax into Love with Damiana

Resonant with the Goddess Ganga, the holy river in India, and Ochun in Nigeria (Oxun in Latin America), deity of the river waters both representing and revering luxury, sexuality, pleasure, fertility, love and beauty, Damiana is the herbal manifestation of these expressions. It has long been believed throughout the world that by drinking, eating or being surrounded by Damiana you would be blessed with increase in the areas of love and intimate relations.

When Intimacy Met Consent & Lived Authentically Ever After

On a daily basis I see the invisible power of relationship. I love being in relationship, it is the juice of the human experience. Our discovery and willingness to be in connection is a flicker of magic in the mundane of life. Intimacy makes me feel alive, and requires my utmost attention and presence. I can be intimate with nature, food, water, my ukulele, my lover, my body and breath. Recently my greatest teachings come from being Intimate with others. (*Note I do not mean Intimate solely as a sexual or sensual exploration).