
Vedic Astrology For Nov 18-24: Purpose Vs. Distraction

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplayfor the week of Nov 18–24


The gist of the cosmic interplay this week is that of parsing out purpose from distraction.  Astrologically speaking, we have Sun joining Jupiter and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius.  Let’s explore the specificities of this situation and how these placements lend themselves towards creating this energy.

Sacred Transformation:  A Successful New York Businesswoman Trusted Divine Intervention To Live Her Soul’s Calling As A Healer

Like many of us, Reiki Master JoAnne Palladino is no stranger to fear. She has spent nights covered in sweat, mired in confusion and anxiety, wondering if the sun would come up in the morning. Her fears were not unfounded: her life’s journey led her onto a path whose destination was completely unknown.
However, JoAnne's story is not about fear. It is about courage. Specifically, the courage that it takes to surrender and to trust in one's inner calling.

Transitions: No Versus Not Yet

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

—Steve Jobs


Sagittarius New Moon: The Questions Are Worth Experiencing

Sagittarius New Moon—Dec. 17, 2017 Welcome to another New Moon and an opportunity to understand the energies for the month and take a proactive stance in what is best for you! This month’s New Moon takes place in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign that uses her quest for many different kinds of experiences to answer questions about life. The symbol of Sagittarius is the Centaur: half horse and half human. The horse portion represents the wilder side of being free and needing to roam.

Chat With A Healer: Andrea Bryant - August's New Moon (Solar Eclipse)

What does the energy of the new moon and solar eclipse have in store for you? Astrologer Andrea Bryant maps out the energy and universal alignment during this highly energetic time!


Chat With A Healer: Andrea Bryant - August's Full Moon

What does this full moon have in store for you? Astrologer Andrea Bryant talks about what the full moon eclipse means - and how to navigate the energies!


How to Live Your Soul Purpose: On Dharma

We all have a unique soul purpose, a reason for being that exists as a seed within our consciousness, stored as a gem just waiting to be discovered. This “life mission,” it could be called, is what allows us to find access to infinite presence and timelessness. In Sanskrit this unique soul-calling is known as one’s dharma and is thought to be the reason for pursuing a life of self-awareness and enlightenment, to allow this essence to be both discovered and expressed.