
Spend Quality Time With Kids (Not Quantity)

You may not have too much time at hand. To children though, quality matters more than quantity; so make your time with them as fun, imaginative, and creative as possible—for their sake and yours.

Vedic Astrology For Nov 18-24: Purpose Vs. Distraction

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplayfor the week of Nov 18–24


The gist of the cosmic interplay this week is that of parsing out purpose from distraction.  Astrologically speaking, we have Sun joining Jupiter and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius.  Let’s explore the specificities of this situation and how these placements lend themselves towards creating this energy.

Vedic Astrology For Oct 7-13: Mercury & Venus Bring Fresh Excitement

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Oct 7–13

What Is Functional Movement? 3 Moves To Try

In recent years alongside the Paleo diet, there has been a fast-moving trend toward its exercise complement, Functional Movement. Crossfit is one of the biggest names in the Functional Movement world and indeed, the fitness world as a whole. However, there still seems to be a disconnect for many when it comes to understanding what Functional Movement is as its core.

Chaos To Calm: 5 Tips To Improve Your Environmental Wellness

Spring is the season to clear out the cobwebs and nurture growth. It’s also the perfect time to check in with your environmental wellness—that is, your health as it relates to your relationship with nature and your environment. Environmental wellness is a holistic approach to maintaining your health, the health of those around you, and the health of our natural world.

5 Natural Remedies To Calm An Anxious Pet

Imagine feeling anxious: your palms sweat, your mind races, and you feel sick to your stomach. Sometimes anxiety comes out in the form of obsessive nail biting, while other times it rears its head in avoidance. Unfortunately, dogs can also have anxiety and while their paws can’t sweat and we don’t know for sure if their minds start to race, we do know the behavior that can come out: destruction.

Why Moving Might Be Better Than Exercise

Most of us tend to think that the healthiest people amongst us are those who dutifully go to the gym six days a week, work up a sweat on the bike or the treadmill, lift weights to preserve bone mass, stretch out in a yoga class, and then go home after the hour is up. While the gym-goers are probably healthier than the majority of the U.S. population, even they aren’t ideal. Why not?

Goat Yoga: Making Yoga Playful

If you haven’t heard about the latest trend of “goat yoga,” you likely will soon. It’s new, but it is catching on quickly. Goat Yyoga was started pretty recently (in August 2016) by Lainey Morse in Willamette Valley, Oregon, and is quickly becoming a trend.

What is goat yoga, you might ask? It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like—it’s a yoga class with goats! And adorable, snuggly, curious baby goats, at that.


10 Tips To Raise Fit & Healthy Kids

Whatever our fitness levels, we want our kids to be fit and healthy kids. So here are some tips for us parents to achieve just that and more…

However couch potato-ish we might be as individuals, as parents we want our kids to be better than us. We want them to achieve all that we couldn’t, and we try to do whatever it is that we can to remove any obstacles in their way. So, we want to raise fit and healthy kids.

Living Off The Grid: Nature's Playground

Living life off the grid can keep you busy with so much that has to be done, but there’s far more to the whole experience than just working. I personally love the life in the woods and think it’s amazing. But more often than not I talk about the work aspects within the walls of this series.  Today, I want to talk about the ways in which living off grid is fun, and can help connect you with nature.