liver health

Superfood 101: Jaboticaba!

Jaboticaba is a member of the family yrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Myrciaria Berg, also known as guava berry, containing the species Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg or jaboticaba. The plant is native to Brazil and is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. For millennia the native peoples used jaboticaba as a snack and for making wine. Its nutritional value has made this fruit a valuable tool in their healing arsenal.

5 Healing Herbs For Digestive Bitter Tonics

Bitters are plants that work by activating the bitter receptors on the tongue (and elsewhere in the body). Bitter receptors, in turn, trigger the production of digestive juices and enzymes so that by the time your food hits your stomach, the digestive system is revved up and ready to go.

Superfood 101: Soursop!

Soursop is a member of the family Annonaceae or Custard-apple family of the genus Annona L. commonly known as Annona and contains the species Annona muricata L. or soursop. The plant is native to the West Indies and northern regions of South America and can be found today throughout the tropical climates of the world. A Puerto Rican professor renamed the plant guanabana in 1951, adding to its nomenclature.

Superfood 101: The Health Benefits Of Dandelion Greens

Dandelions are a member of the family Asteraceae, commonly known as the Aster family in the genus Taraxacum F.H. Wigg. or dandelion P., which contains nine species. The greens have been eaten since prehistory and are native to Asia, Europe, and America. The name is derived from the French term “dent-de-lion,” meaning “lion’s tooth” and referring to the serrated edges of the leaves.

Witchin’ In The Kitchen Part 2: Delicious Ideas For Botanical Medicines

Kitchen Witchin’ Part 1 shared valuable medicinal uses for kitchen herbs and spices that many folks have on hand. For part 2, let’s continue unleashing that inner witch by bringing some botanicals out of the medicine cabinet and into the kitchen!

Superfood 101: Artichokes!

The artichoke has origins in the Mediterranean basin. It is a member of the thistle family and evolved from the cardoon plant. It is the bud part of the plant before it flowers, which is edible. It is composed of triangular scales around the central choke known as the heart and only the lower half or fleshy part of each scale can be eaten, but the heart is the most delectable part of the artichoke. The immature bud can be eaten in its entirety.

Superfood 101: Wild Rice!

Wild rice is not actually rice at all, but the seed from a grass of semi-aquatic species found from southern Canada to the eastern United States along the Atlantic coastal marshes. It was the staple food for the Ojibwa and Chippewa people who gathered it by canoe and fire parched the seeds.

Superfood 101: 3 Superfoods Currently Enjoying the Spotlight

Superfoods will always be a thing: That's because they're loaded with important nutrients humans need to flourish, such as fiber and vitamins. These nutrients can lead to overall better health and even fight diseases.

6 Steps To A Healthy Liver

Our liver is a key player in the digestive system of our body and is a vital organ that we cannot live without. Everything that we drink and eat, including medicine, passes through our liver. Our liver is the second largest organ in our body, next to the skin.

It filters chemicals such as alcohol and drugs from the blood, as well as regulates our hormones and sugar levels. It creates bile, blood proteins, and numerous enzymes, which the body needs. Moreover, it stores energy from the nutrients one takes in.