
Ayurveda 101: Doshas + Circadian Rhythm

By now in this Ayurveda 101 series, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the Mahabhutas, their archetypal qualities, and how they show in every single aspect of our lives.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Lavender

Lavender is a member of the family Lamiaceae or Mint family of the genus Lavandula L. or lavender P containing four species. The plant is thought to be native to the Mediterranean basin east of India and has been used in many ways for approximately 2500 years.

Carmelite Water: The Original Health Elixir

Exploring our ancestors’ use of natural remedies is a fine way to rediscover the forgotten traditional uses for several herbal combinations and tonics.

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Aromatherapy & Self-Massage With Balancing & Soothing Essential Oils

Menopause can trigger uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. The following recipes contain essential oils to provide some relief in balancing emotional stress, surges of heat, and sleep deprivation.

Superfood 101: Pitanga (Surinam Cherry)!

Pitanga is a member of the family Myrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Eugenia L., also known as stopper P, containing the species Eugenia uniflora L., commonly named Surinam cherry P. The plant is native to the tropical regions of South America and was brought to India from Brazil by the Portuguese. It is also known as Surinam cherry.

Sweet Dreams! 5 Herbs For Preventing Nightmares

In the northern hemisphere, we’re coming into the darker time of year when the subconscious likes to make more of an appearance.  Sometimes, this manifests as nightmares.  And, while nightmares can be informative in terms of issues we may need to examine, especially if they’re recurring, sometimes they’re just plain problematic…causing distress and sleep disturbances.

These 7 Teas Soothe An Anxious Mind

Suffering from anxiety? Mental health is just as important as physical health. While teas can be healthy for your physical body, they can also help your mental state of mind. Plus, they taste delicious! Here are three teas that can help soothe an anxious mind

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Lavender & The Authentic You Beyond Stress

On my left shoulder I have a tattoo of what I call my “herbal medicine chest.” It is an image of several different herbs and plant medicines which I consider to be essential for keeping a healthy body-mind-spirit complex.

5 Lovely Uses For Lavender: Elixirs, Skin Scrubs & More

There’s little better than fresh lavender, whether as an essential oil, an herb for cooking, in a fresh bouquet, or, my personal favorite, growing abundantly on a local farm.

Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Fantastic Conifer Oils

I recently wrote on citrus essential oils, my favorite oils for scent. Now, we’ll move on to conifer essential oils, another group I love. These are uplifting and motivating, and they blend beautifully with citrus oils for both scent and energetics.