Healthy Food

Natural Condiments: Make Your Own Ketchup & Mustard

Name the first classic American condiments that pop into your mind. To me, those are undeniably ketchup and mustard. They're everywhere and taste great with a number of dishes. The only problem? Most commercial condiments are loaded with artificial ingredients. Not to mention they're almost always packaged in plastic (which isn't exactly good for the environment).

Natural Condiments: Make Your Own Peanut Butter & Jelly

Condiments are great. There are so many of them, and they can always make or break a dish. Two of my favorite condiments are peanut butter and jelly, a diehard classic. One day, while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I wondered how easy it would be to make my own peanut butter and jelly condiments from scratch. You’ll be delighted to know that it’s very easy (and tasty!). It just takes a little time, patience, and dedication. The best part is, you have full control over the ingredients list.

5 Ways To Waste Less Food

I know it’s cliché, but the phrase “there are starving children in ____” is repeated over and over with good intentions. There are starving children everywhere, but your momma was just trying to help teach you a lesson about being grateful for what you have. It’s impossible for some kids to appreciate food security simply because they have not experienced it; not everyone always has food waiting for them on a dinner plate like many of us do.

Are Food Sensitivities Sabotaging Your Health?

Did you know food sensitivities could be affecting your health daily, and hindering your ability to lose weight? Food sensitivities are more and more common these days. If you haven’t already experienced them yourself, you probably know someone dealing with them. For many people, myself included, figuring them out makes all the difference to their health. I know it did for me – even though I thought I ate ‘healthier’ than anyone I knew. Yet I was struggling with poor energy levels throughout the day and had trouble getting through workouts.

Recipe: Saucy Tempeh Curry

Tempeh is made of soybeans, just like tofu, but what makes tempeh special is the fermentation process that makes this meat alternative easier to digest -- making it a favorite amongst those with sensitive tummies!

Recipe: Grain Free Persimmon Cookies

One of my favorite fruits to eat this time of year is the persimmon. In season from October to February, persimmons are incredibly sweet, juicy fruits that are quite fittingly referred to as “the fruit of the Gods.” Not only are they delicious, but they contain numerous health benefits as well.

How to Eat Your Way to Healthy Hair

Whether it’s repairing damage from the summer sun or prepping for the cold, dry winter, lots of us are thinking about keeping our hair healthy right now. I know how hard it can be to invest in new products, do weekly hair masks, and give up the styling habits that can cause damage. Fortunately, a lot of hair-health progress can be made just by working certain foods into your diet.

An Ayurvedic Health Coach Gets Real About Comfort Food

Health food starves the soul. It can starve the body too, depending on what it is, but that’s another conversation. If you want to feel truly alive, nourished and satisfied, you must take care of the needs of your soul as well as those of your body. If you don’t, you’ll begin to feel brittle and hollow, and wonder what’s missing.

If the word “soul” doesn’t make sense to you, that’s fine. Find a word that does. A word for that part of yourself which is your inner knowing, which is rich, vast, unpredictable, wild, and possibly non-physical. That which animates you.

Scrumptious Sweet Potato Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Need something colorful, warm, healthy, and hearty this fall? Try this scrumptious sweet potato pumpkin soup recipe! Sweet potato is high in vitamins A, C, and E —which is awesome for supporting a healthy immune system. Pumpkin contains a great source of vitamin A for aiding in eye-vision, as well as potassium for helping out the body’s nervous system. This soup is not only good, it’s good for you!

Takes 30-45 minutes

Serves 5-6 bowls
