
Healing Journeys: An Intro To Tarot Card Readings

My Tarot session with Dr. Richard E. Reich-Kuykendall was short, but it was anything but ephemeral.  In other words, what we discussed in that brief session has stuck with me far longer than nuggets of advice wrested from much longer conversations with others.  As Richard turned over each card and explained to me its meaning, as well as its reverse/upside-down meaning, a “knowingness” popped into my head for each card—it was as though as each card was revealed to me by Richard, its relevance to my current path was simultaneously revealed to me (in my head/heart, of course).

10 Reasons I Won’t Be Making New Year’s Resolutions

With all due respect to the fantastic goal gurus out there, this year I start different, and I start new. Here’s how, and 10 reasons why![MOU1] 

December 22 Full Moon: A Time For Altruism & Clarity

The Full Moon in Cancer on December 22 arrives just hours after the Winter Solstice on December 21 and is the last Full Moon of 2018!

Vedic Astrology For Nov 4-10: Fixing Vs. Adapting As Rahu & Ketu Move Into Cancer & Capricorn

Planetary Transits and Cosmic Interplay for the week of Nov 4–10


Mantras That Matter: Shiva & Invoking The Grace Of Change

Sometimes life calls for a breaking down of the old reality in order to facilitate the birthing of the new. This is not always a pleasant realization to have and yet, using the power of mantra, such a time can transform from something potentially painful and full of resistance into a supportive experience of the transcendent new.


Navigating Changes & Challenges With Grace

Change can be difficult, especially when it is caused by a sudden trauma, loss, or even just an unexpected change in life's normal pace. As impermanent as everything in life is, humans do seem to have a natural instinct to seek out stability and order—and to blame ourselves when things become chaotic. Fear and even PTSD can rear its ugly head and take over—and we can find ourselves in a reactive state, violently treading water, just to stay afloat.

July Lunar Eclipse: Dance Of The Cosmos

This week is a very special week as it contains the total lunar eclipse which will occur on the evening of Friday July 27 and/or early Saturday July 28 as it is only visible at night time.  This is because the Moon is what is being eclipsed and since the Moon is full it only rises after sunset.  Before we dive further into exploring this eclipse, let’s discuss what an eclipse is and how it comes to be.

Healing Journeys: Mary Beth Shaw & Connecting With Self

Mary Beth Shaw is an energy healing practitioner with whom I recently enjoyed a session.  The experience was a roller coaster of emotions that left me feeling more strongly connected to my Self and my loved ones, and also with a clearer vision of my purpose and personal priorities.