
Clean Your Grill The Non-Toxic Way

Those long, warm summer nights are dwindling.  The sun is setting earlier in the evening; there’s a welcome coolness to the morning air.  But before you swap out all your summer recipes for pumpkin-spiced everything, there’s one last summer chore you should take care of: cleaning the grill.

Vegan Recipe: A Twist on Traditional Potato Salad

A lot of kids are already back in school, the sun is beginning to set a little earlier than we think it will, and the shock of how quickly summer is passing by is setting in. You’ll have to kick those end-of-summer blues to the curb though, because the summertime barbecues haven’t come to a close just yet! If you’re looking for an exciting, new dish to add to your Labor Day food festivities, I’ve got just the recipe for you.

Vegan Stuffed Peppers Recipe

These stuffed peppers are a great veggie entrée or side when you’re grilling! Cheesy and savory, both vegans and omnivores are sure to love them. Clean-up is easy for this one too, since all you’re cooking in is a bit of foil. The peppers are surprisingly filling, so you can serve them on their own or cut in half as a side dish; I like to pair them with rice, cous cous or mashed potatoes. As always, feel free to experiment with different sauces, spices and vegetables to make them your own!

*Makes 4*

Ingredients & Special Supplies