
Herbs & Natural Remedies For Pain

As someone who has been living with chronic pain for years, I’m slowly learning that nature has all the answers. We just need to ask the right questions and be willing to listen—listen to our bodies, to our minds, and to our souls. In our lifetime, we all go through physical and mental pain—not to mention heartache. And nature has everything that we need to heal, ready and waiting. 

5 Herbs To Heal Your Winter Woes

Ah, winter—the season of retreating indoors, finding every way to keep warm, and snuggling up with your favorite book or Netflix show for a slow descent into hibernation, solitude, and a fair amount of seasonal down time.

While the frigid cold winter weather outside can affect your energy levels and leave you with the sluggish winter blues, there are seasonal winter herbs that can also lift you out of your winter funk to revitalize your well-being and mood with some natural herbal supplements.

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: Naturally Overcoming Addiction

Addiction comes in many shapes and forms. It has no prejudices against or for any person. Chemicals and substances take a toll on our overall well-being. They can truly break a person down on so many different levels. Overcoming any form of addiction can be really difficult. It affects the mind, body, and soul, but addiction can be defeated!

6 Herbs to Help You Focus

Focus, mental clarity and concentration are essential to our lives and our health as well. Natural brain and memory boosters can be such a delight -- especially if you have trouble remembering things or staying focused. A couple of the herbs I’m going to share with you today are actually useful and effective alternatives for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) without the drawbacks and side-effects of chemical filled medications.

5 Best Herbs For Your Sex Life

Just like our mind, body, and soul can get unwell or need some enhancements, so can our libido. Men and women both deal with sexual dysfunction issues whether they are mild, severe, permanent, or temporary. Needing a boost in the bedroom is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It happens! Menopause, andropause, medication, anxiety, stress, and many other factors can be to blame for sexual dysfunction. A look into the ancient medicine cabinet will show many that there is hope.

Healing the Whole Self With Ashwagandha

There are a multitude of herbs that have reportedly numerous healing properties and can be effective for treatment in a wide array of conditions. Ashwagandha is one of these herbs. Ayurvedic practitioners in India have been utilizing this ancient herb for many issues, especially for conditions that have root in the brain, including memory, cognitive functions in general, the regulation of neurotransmitters and insomnia.

7 Roots With Healing Properties: Moringa & More!

Often times when we think of medicinal plants we see flowers, stalks, and stems, but the medicine goes much deeper with some. Today’s walk through Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet will take you deep into the ground to have a look at some plant roots that heal.

Maca Root – The Perfect Yogic Superfood

The practice of yoga is designed to assist the body in aligning the spiritual and mental bodies with the physical. Within the body itself, yoga works to align bones and soft tissue, and even more specifically, it helps to balance the very important endocrine glands and their corresponding chakras. Maca root, grown in the mountains of Peru, is an excellent adaptagenic herb that specifically targets the glands of the endocrine system and assists in bringing harmony and health.

Superfood 101: Ginseng!

Ginseng was discovered more than 5000 years ago in the mountains of Manchuria, China. The name is derived from the Chinese word “jen” meaning the form of man and “shen” defined as the crystallization of the essence of the earth.  However, this ancient herb was used approximately the same time in North America by many of the tribes there, though the European invaders did not know of its existence until the 16th century.