crystal healing

Healing Stones: Boji Stones Balance Masculine

They just looked like basic round rocks to me. It was hard at first for me to categorize them into the same status as other shinier, more “precious” looking stones. However, after holding the set for only a few moments I could feel that these were no ordinary rocks. Boji stones, native to Southwestern Kansas, have the power to bring the poles of the body into balance. This single trait alone (though it is not all these balls can do), makes them worth the investment.

Healing Stones: Red Garnet & Life Force Energy

Red as blood, red as molten lava, as the fires of life dancing in the embers. Dark as night, as the cave of wonders, as the unknown depths of a person’s soul before discovering the gifts awaiting them. Red garnet is a dark red stone whose vibration and color helps us to tune into the richness of our capacity to live by aligning us with the fires of kundalini awakening in our root.

5 Crystals for People Who Are Sensitive To Crystal Energy

I am an incredibly sensitive person and when I started using crystals, my whole life was thrown into a loop. I wasn’t able to sleep, my dreams were crazy, I felt…weird — then I realized that I was using the wrong crystals.

Capricorn Birth Stones - Garnet & Ruby

As we step into a new year we are steeped in the consciousness of new frequencies, new energy patterns and the massive intentional waves generated by the collective to “create anew” - for this is what Capricorn inspires. It is no wonder “new year's resolutions” come in with the influence of this sign. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn birth stones of garnet and ruby are all about grounding one into core power and strength for the long haul.

Citrine Quartz for Manifestation and Empowerment

I saw it in a crystal shop in Pune, India, and I couldn't put it down. It was calling to me. Something inside urged me to listen and I held it next to my navel center as I sorted through the array of stone carved bowls, silk scarves and other delicate trinkets. Its color was warm, comforting and powerful. I felt stronger and more able to see what would unfold for me from there after the soul-transformative experience I had just engaged in for the previous four months. This Citrine had to come home with me, there was no doubt.

How to Use Smokey Quartz As an Earth Protector & Help Standing Rock

Whenever I travel by air I carry with me my own herbal medicine chest complete with essential oils and other precious tools for healing. By slipping my favorite piece of smoky quartz into the bag with my herbs and oils (along with a blessing and good faith) I help ensure their protection from the effects of radiation and the negativity of those handling my wears. There is no better protector in the mineral kingdom, against harmful waves and negative vibes, than smoky quartz.

How To Use Hematite to Create Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Due to extreme heat and pressure within the earth, incredible gems and precious stones are produced. These gems beautify our experiences and offer valuable healing tools for an evolutionary lifestyle. Much like the creation of gemstones, relationships that can withstand the fire of transformation and alchemy (inevitably occurring between two who enter such a space), have the potential to become powerful healing bodies and holders of high frequency vibrations that bless the planet.